You're Here

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I paced the floor for about 15 minutes when there was a knock at the door. I opened it, after removing all Arabic safety procedures, to see a tall woman. She wore a long sweater dress and looked too much like Jaehee. Before she could say anything, I was cut off by a small child the age of 10 yelling. He first ran to Jumin and into his arms. 

"I assume you met Katsuo before, Jumin?"

"Yes I have. I went to the orphanage when the first called. Katsuo, this is your mother MC."

This small boy looked down at me and climbed down from Jumin's arms. He walked u to me, smiling, and hugged me. He looked almost like Jumin except for the slightly browner hair. I could feel him trembling and I as well was. We were both crying and holding each other tightly.

"Mommy, I love you."

"I love you too Katsuo...I'm so sorry baby."

"It's okay mommy. Dad told me everything about how he left you. You were smart not to listen to him. Thank you..."

 I was almost shocked to hear Jumin taking the blame. I smiled and held Katsuo close to me. Eventually, the smiling woman created a blank face.

       "Mrs. Choi, we have one question.I don't believe Katsuo would want to remain in an orphanage after meeting you, I hope. Due to the current situation between you and Mr. Han, Katsuo will have to have custody between the two of you if you do choose to adopt him."

I nodded and looked to Jumin.

"I suppose it must be that way. Jumin and I will sign the adoption papers tomorrow at the orphanage."

Katsuo almost jumped for joy when he heard those words. He ran out the door and to the car, the woman trailing behind. After 5 minutes, he was gone. Saeyoung hadn't moved throughout the whole ordeal; simply, he sat and twiddled his thumbs. 

-Time skip-

Yesterday had gone so fast that I had forgotten it had happened. Luciel took some time off to drive me to the orphanage. He was happy to oblige, but he was so cross when he spoke. It was the same tone he had when I had first approached him with my love. He hadn't been this cold since. He drove angrily and looked at the road the same. I was confused at him. 

Why was he angered? Had I done something wrong?

"Saeyoung? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine MC. Just fine."

"You seem mad, are you sure?"

"I'm fine. I'm just very tired."

"You're mad about Katsuo and Jumin coming between you and I-"



With that, almost immediately, Saeyoung had driven off the turn, off the cliff and into the woods below. His face had loosened and the last thing I remember was the both of us screaming as everything turned dark and fuzzy. In and out, visions would pop.I could see Jumin, Jaehee, Yoosung and Zen sitting around. Jaehee was crying with Zen holding her. Yoosung was as well with Jumin. It was as if a wave of sadness had hit them and destroyed the good that remained in this life.


Sorry its short. Its midnight so- whatever. 


Endless Red Ribbons (MC x Jumin)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora