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  Waking up was always hard for me , never went to bed early enough . But waking up in a new place most days was even harder .  I had to try to remember how id gotten there in the first place . I had to remember what day it was , 194? , 203? Sometimes I couldn't remember , so my counting was  a bit off .

  After I woke up , I did the usual : Bathroom , teeth , hair , deodorant . Just because the world I knew was ending didn't mean my hygiene did too . Then I was off . No breakfast , I had to find it first whether it be a granola bar from an old 7/11 or an open box of cereal , run over by a Kia . I had to eat . After all I was just a growing boy . 

  I wasnt really heading for a specific place . I was just moving forward , or backward , im not good with directions . I was in the state of California. Not very far from where i started . I lived in Washington , not that far of a drive , could always be longer , but was quite a long walk . I wasnt much of a walker though , so it was much longer then anticipated by most .

  I remember exactly why i had to walk . The very day of the week , the very time , the very color of her shirt . It was a Tuesday , 10:28am . I was in social studies , studying history , when the pricipal came over the  intercome . Lets back up a little  , I had just gotten to class and sat down . I was at my desk when she walked in . She was a ballerina , not literally , she had an elagance in her step though . She sat a few desks away from me , four up and two rows ove to be exact .

  The teacher , Mrs... I cant remember , was taking roll . she was behind her computer like usual , with her glasses slipping down her nose . when she got to me she repeated her self . I wasn't paying attention like usual.

" Mr. Williams . Mr. Williams , sir ."

"uh yeah here"

" Mrs. Munoz . "


She did this every day . Calling us by our last names , said it was a sign of respect . I couldnt care less , just call me Ryan . Ryan sir , uh yeah here , and go on with your day . She finally stood at the board and wrote down what we were going to do today . History , duh . She sat down after a minute and played the announcments . When we all sat down , one kid started coughing , bad . He couldnt stop , so he went to the nurse . Later the principlae came over the inter come .

" Attention Teachers and students . Please remain calm , again remain calm . Several students have come to the nurse coughing and choking on blood . We are afraid to say we are not the only school or work place . Please stay safe and continue learning .Thank you "

Coughing and choking on blood?How ?Not the only school?How many students ? Remain clam?what?I texted my momand asked if i could go home at lunch . She didnt question it , she actually wanted me home , she knew too . How strange .

I went through my classes and then around lunch went home . I stopped by Taco Bell for some food . The drive thru dude was coughing bad . I didnt think twice about it , but i should have . I got home and went to my room . I threw my food on the counter and took a nap . What a lazy kid right ?

 I woke up around 7. my mom was in the living room . She said there was dinner , and that she snacked on my food . I was cool though . I ate and went to bed . I wasnt really tired , there was just noting better to do , it was a tuesday . Nothing more .

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