Chapter One

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I smacked my alarm clock and looked at the time. It was 5:00 am.
Perfect! That leaves me with just enough time to take a shower, curl my hair, and do my makeup all before school starts at 7.
You may be thinking that this is way too much time but, you have to sacrifice your beauty sleep to look as perfect as me for highschool.
After my morning routine, I saw Liam drive up to my house in his lightning blue Tesla car. I jumped in and placed a kiss on his cheek. We have been dating for 1 year now and it has been the greatest year of my life.
"Hey babe", he says as I close the door.
"Hi cutie", I replied with a smile.
"You look beautiful, as always"
I started to blush. He always knows how to set the mood.
Liam has been my crush since the 4th grade and I remember the days when I would come home from school and dream about the day he would ask me out. I knew if I waited patiently, that day would come and I wasn't wrong.
We arrived at school and as I began to grab my bag, my two "side kicks" opened the door for me.
"Hey Chelsea!", Kimmy exclaimed.

"Omg! Did you hear that the Starbucks next to our school is closing! How am I supposed to live my life without my daily dose of Starbucks!" Maya basically yelled.

"Hey Kimmy! And Maya, you need to chill. Sorry girls, I wish I could stay and chat but Liam and I are going to the library before first period to 'study'. " I put the quotations around study because as everyone in the school knows, the library isn't for studying but for people who are in a relationship.

"Oh, okay! Well, have fun if you know what I mean", Maya said with a mischievous look.

"Maya!" Kimmy exclaimed and hit her in the arm. "We will catch you later! Toodles!"

"See ya!" I said as I rejoined with Liam. "Ready to go?"

"I'm always ready", Liam replied and grabbed my hand as we ran through the entrance of the school and right to the library.

Once we got there we went straight to the back of the library towards the non-fiction section. But to our surprise, there was already a couple there who looked like they were getting way too into it. 

"Um excuse me! This was our time slot and we can't do anything with you two weirdos here so beat it." I responded with much confidence.

They snapped a glance at us and ran away like we were the lions of the savannah and they were the zebras and if they didn't run away, they would have been eaten.

"Perfect", Liam said. "Now its just you and me."

He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck intertwining my fingers. Our lips were pressed together and my back was leaning on the bookcase. Just as I was about to lift my legs and wrap them around him, the 5 minutes until first period bell rang.

"Ugh! If those other peasants weren't here before we would've had much more time. Whatever", I exclaimed as we walked out of the library together with my hand in his.

We didn't have first period together; he had anatomy and I had trigonometry. 

Liam kissed my cheek and said, "I love you Chels. I'll see you later." Then he walked in the opposite direction and I continued to class. 

I had to get my binders out of my locker but there was a girl standing right in front of my locker. She was kind of short with brown hair and was wearing a checkered skirt with overalls.

"Move out of my way." I stated

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to - I mean I didn't know tha-", she tried to stammer.

"Save it. And by the way, what are you wearing? It looks like you picked it out of a garbage can on the side of the road." I added an eye roll for extra sassiness.

She ran away with her hands covering her face and I couldn't help but laugh. 

"Nice one!" Kimmy said coming up from behind me as I just opened my locker.

"Yeah!" Maya agreed. "You should have seen the look on her face! Thats the last time she messes with you!" 

"Ya know," I started "I just hate it when some people think they can act like us meanwhile we are all the way up here in the prince and princess castle and they are the little tadpoles that swim around in the moat surrounding the big castle. Even when those tadpoles turn to frogs, they still won't be beautiful princes and princesses like us" I finished my statement slamming me locker and with a hair flip. The three of us walked to trigonometry with our arms linked together. Nothing could separate us.


Hello Everyone!

I hope you enjoyed this little intro chapter! Not a lot of juicy things happened yet but this was just so you could "meet" the characters and see what their personalities are like.

If you have any recommendations, go ahead and leave a comment or reach me privately through the messaging system here on Wattpad!

I will try to update as often as I can!

Thank you!

~Emily 💖

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