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A small cherry seed, 

destined once to become a mighty tree, 

leaves the darkness of the tree and finds itself flowing down the angry current of the river. 

Along the perilous path it met a seed tiny and and weak, 

destined to die.

Rain downed heavily, pounding onto a girl no older than 17.

Pink hair and clothes clinging onto her pale skin, feet heavily walking through the muddy road, and dead emerald eyes staring in front of her. This girl dreary and cold was none other than Sakura Haruno. 

It had been a year since the Cherry Blossom had left Konoha, and ever since then she's been ereased from history. She hadn't seen anyone she knew for this whole year, but she didn't mind.As she was traveling, she was able to understand more about herself and the true purpose of why she was really living. 

People say that Sasuke was the avenger of Konoha? Well he wasn't the only one, it just took some time to remember but she remembered everything about her blurry childhood. She's out for blood, but not just anyone's blood but those people that made her life a living hell her whole life. The people she shall kill and no one was going to get in her way. 

Suddenly Sakura stopped, feeling two fading chakra and faint crying. Sakura shouldn't care, she should just leave whoever it was to die out in this damn rain, but something deep in her heart something stopped her. 

Was that...


Sakura sneered at herself, she hadn't felt something like that since she lost the rest of her feelings at the young age of 7. But hearing those cries, it just sounded so familiar. Stopping, she turned to her left thinking she might as well check it out. 

As she was looking around the fallen trees, overgrown wild grass, and the deep mud, the cryings grew louder as she neared the boulders. The boulders looked like they were moved trying to make shelter that would last for them for the whole night fromt he rain, but they must've not known the rain was going to last for days. Sakura couldn't blame them, the weather around the Water Country can sometimes be unpredictable. 

Taking a step forward, she stopped when she stepped on something and quickly took a step back. What she stepped on was a body of a man somewhere around his early 30's. He wasn't moving, and when Sakura crouched down to the body she could now see that he was dead. 

He didn't die from any kind of wounds, but it seemed he had died from starvation and pnemonia. Sakura sighed, another death she had seen but wait. This man had been dead for who knows how long, but judging from the little warmth in the skin he had just died a few hours ago-

Sakura gasped and quickly was about to take a step back, but a pale hand grabbed her ankle. Not just any pale hand, but the supposed dead man. 

"Release me!" Sakura hissed, abotu to kick his arm away but stopped when another cry came. It wasn't coming from the man as he silently stared up at her with a pleading look on his face, but it was coming from under the two rocks. "...You're an idiot then."

The man didn't release hsi hold on the pinkette, and Sakura sighed. She knew what the man had wanted, but she wasn't going to get anywhere with him still grabbing onto her ankle. 

Finally, the man spoke in a wheezy voice. "I... I won't let... Y-You go... M-My c-c-child is... Going... To die."

"I figured," Sakura muttered, finally kicked his ankle away. "But why should I help? Those destined to die should die, and those destined to love shall live. What makes you think I'm going to help?"

The man narrowed his eyes at Sakura, but she wasn't fazed as she continued to stare down at the man with a blank face. The man spoke again, "Are you... T-That heartless? M-My daughter is naught but an i-infant and you r-refused to.. Help."

"...Not a monster," Sakura's voice said coldly as she looked away. "Just an empty corpse."

Again, the man glared at Sakura but soon he closed his eyes. With that, his spirit passed away but he heard her whisper to him through the loud rain. Sakura sighed, about to turn away until the cry came again, but for some reason it just seem to stab her through the heart. 

Every step she took away from the man and the pathetic shelter, the more she felt something weighing down on her shoulder and something stabbing repeatedly through her stone heart. 

Finally annoyed, Sakura disappeared in a puff of smoke as the crying never ceased. 

Rained down heavily on, pounding into a girl no older than 17 with a large cloak strapped around her. 

Pink hair clinging onto her face, feet heavily walking through the muddy road, dead emerald eyes staring in front of her, and her arms wrapped tightly around her chest. This girl dreary and cold was none other than Sakura Haruno. 

Looking up, her dead emerald eyes saw to see a village coming in her way. She could just pass by the village without a need to sotp, but she needed to stop as her clothes were slightly old and ripped. And she needed to rest for a while. 

Entering the village, she quickly located an inn and behind the counter was an old woman. Looking up from a piece of paper, her eyes widened when she saw the dreary wet girl enter in her inn, and for the first time Sakura realized how badly she was shivering as the innkeeper noticed also. 

"Oh my! I'll get you a room right away, please come with me!" Sakura didn't have the choice, she only had a little bit of strength left in her legs and she knew her limit. Following the woman, they made themselves to the closest room. "Stay right here!"

In a few minutes, the innkeeper came back with a towel and nightgown as she set it on the bed. The innkeeper turned to sakura with a small smile on her face. "I'll be back soon with hot warm food, on the house!"

"Thank you, but... Can you bring warm milk to?"

The innkeeper nodded, though she found it strange why the pinkette wanted warm milk, her favorite drink maybe?

Though as soon as the innkeeper turned around, she heard a soft cry. Turning her head back to the pinkette, Sakura had unfastened her cloak and in her arms was a baby girl looking no older than three months.

Now the innkeeper understood, and quickly she shuffled out fo the room to bring warm milk and a couple of other things. 

"By the way, before I go... What's her name?"

"Her name... Is Yuka."

Lost in the SeasonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon