Me And Cupa Part 7 - I Just Slipped.

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Liu: *Wakes up* wheres Cupa*

*Liu walks downstairs and rubs eyes*

Liu: Jerry...JERRY!

Jerry: GAH! WHAT?!

Liu: Where are the girls?

Jerry: Their cave?

Liu: Oh... *puts on green hoodie*

Jerry: Where are you going

Liu: I'm going to see them

Jerry: Oh...OK...

Liu: Walks out of the house and in the cave

Liu: Cupa? Utah?

*Liu Gets pinned to the ground*

Cupa: Liu!

Liu: Cupa!

Cupa: *Hugs* I missed you!

Liu: I missed you too!

Liu: Where's Utah?

Cupa: Why dose it matter?

Liu: Good point

Cupa: *stares at Liu*

Liu: *Stares at Cupa*

*Both Liu and Cupa's eyes are locked together*

Cupa: *Blushes*

Liu: *Leans in*

Cupa: *Leans in*

Utah: Oh hi Liu!

Liu and Cupa: *Moves face away from each other*

Utah: Cupa...why are you on Liu?

Cupa: Uuuuuuuum...I slipped...yea...I slipped

Liu: Yea...she slipped...

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