“Why Is my mom texting you?” Justin asked , grabbing my phone .

“No reason” I said , quickly pulling it out of his hand .

Justin stared at me , a glare on his face . “Amanda” He warned .

I sighed , “ Fine” I gave in “ I was going to surprise you but you’re parents and some friends are coming over for dinner tonight “ I said quickly , watching as Justin’s glare deepened .

“What? Amanda I told you I didn’t want them to come” Justin growled.

“I know Justin but she’s your mom and she wanted to spend your birthday with you! I couldn’t say no . Plus I haven’t seen Pattie in years and I miss her” I said , moving closer to him .

I grabbed his hands , bringing them to my lips . “Don’t be mad?” I said , giving him the puppy look .

He groaned “ That’s not fair” He said , his eyes looking at my pouting lip.

“What do you mean?” I said , blinking up at him .

He sighed . “Fine”.

I smiled “ Yay! Thank you Justin , this’ll mean a lot to her . And she finally gets to meet Alison !” I said happily , watching as his frown left , a small smile replacing it .

“I guess so” He said , pulling me into him again .

I smiled , kissing his lips once more .

“I have a present for you” I said , moving away from him . Justin groaned . “I said you didn’t have to get me anything” He said , and I rolled my eyes .

“Just open it” I said , handing him  medium sized box , wrapped in purple wrapping paper , a bow on top.

He sighed , opening the box as I grabbed Alison , watching as his face turned into one of love .

“What’s this?” He asked , picking up a bunch of cd’s and tapes.

“Everything you missed the first two years , Her first words , her first walk , her first time being fed . Everything .” I said , and he smiled at me , before looking at Alison.

“I have a pwesent fo yew too dwaddy” She said , making my heart melt.

I watched as Alison handed him a picture of him and her in a cute little frame we made , I love daddy written on the bottom.

“For your wawet?” She said , making me smile .

Justin seemed speechless , as if he were frozen , before snapping out of it and giving her a kiss . “Its amazing” He said , and Alison blushed.

“Thank you” He said , his eyes moving to mine . I smiled , before hugging him .

I could feel us becoming closer , the connection between us , and I was loving it. It was a wonderful feeling , loving someone.

“Speaking of gifts and such” Justin said “ I have a surprise for you” He finished , making my eyes widen .

“Justin! Its your day , you shouldn’t be getting me things” I scolded . He laughed , before kissing me cheek .

“I wanted to do this. But you’ll get it later” He said , making me groan .

“Now , can I relax with the two most beautiful girls in the world today?” He asked , making me blush .

“Of course” I said , before- oh gosh the breakfast!


I fiddled with my dress , pulling at the bottom of it .

“Do you think this is too short?” I asked , looking over at Justin .

“ You look beautiful , relax” He said , making me sigh .

“Im nervous Justin . I haven’t seen your family in two years . This feels like the first time all over again.”

I ran my fingers through my freshly curled hair , before checking my makeup .

“I know , but they loved you the first time didn’t they? “He said , coming behind me and kissing my cheek .

I wrapped my arms around his , before leaning into them .

“I hope they like me “ I said , making Justin spin me around .

“Of course they will , why wouldn’t they?” He asked , and I glared .

“Because everyone thought I wake faking a pregnancy before a few months ago , remember?” I snapped , crossing my arms .

Justin sighed , uncrossing my arms . “Not tonight babe , please?” He said , and my angry dissolved like that .

“Im sorry , its just gonna be a little embarrassing , you know?” I sighed .

Justin nodded , kissing my hands .

“Mwommy?” Alison asked , walking into the bedroom .

I gasped , she looked so gorgeous .

“ You look beautiful baby” I said , picking her up and pinching her cheek. Justin nodded in agreement.

All of a sudden , someone knocked on the door , making my heart leap in my chest .

Oh boy

Meet Your Child | A Justin Bieber FanficionWhere stories live. Discover now