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i. Valory is traditionally feminine (wears makeup, dresses and skirts— her outfits are never boring, emotional, at least attempts to cook, dates) however uses the fact to her advantage. It isn't something she feels she has to justify or fight for (inspired by a quote from laverne cox, "what might be shackles for one woman is liberating for another," while talking about her femininity). This is one of the reasons she reacts badly when Dean gives her the nickname Rory and further explains that it makes her more masculine. She doesn't see the validity in this. She's been feminine and successful thus far, why must she change her name, become more of a dude, to succeed further?

ii. Courageous and loud-mouthed, Valory speaks her mind. This can often land her in trouble with the boys, particularly when they first meet, and can lead to some arguments. She isn't afraid to act as bait if need be, to distract the monster if required (sure, she's a little afraid, but at least she doesn't act like it). There is a limited filter between her thoughts and mouth, and as usual she barely thinks about the consequences of this action— at least not until it's too late.

She is also not afraid to ask questions. If she doesn't understand something, or someone's reasoning, she will not hesitate to question someone else. I bet she does this a lot with Sam— he is likely to collect a lot of data and do a lot of research before heading into a situation, whereas she is likely to barge in head first. She would be constantly questioning why they must do this, if they've found enough information, whether it is good enough for them to just leave already.

iii. Because of her interest in sports, army training, further training with a number of hunters, Valory is well versed in the art of badassery. She knows martial arts, self defence, can use or throw a dagger with ease, and her whip is her constant companion. Weaponary isn't much her forte (especially guns, despite being a constant), but she revels in the hands-on of several types of martial arts. Even self defence is something she considered teaching once, if only she'd stay in one place for long enough.

She enjoys showing up the people who believe she's weak or childlike by showing them her superb dart skills and ability to play pool (although this could sometimes be considered childish in itself) (never poker, or any other card game save solitaire, she was never good at those).

(Note: When it comes to the use of her spiritual powers, she rarely relies on them. The thought of using them frustrates her because, well, she can't use them. She's too hyperactive the majority of the time. However, she does find they come in useful in certain situations.)

(Note: she found a great interest in sports at high school and indulged in them heavily— both competitive and physically demanding. This leads her to becoming interested in the police force as a career choice.)


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iv. It's no secret, Valory is very sexually active. It is a great part of who she is. I imagine this aspect of her to be something like this: " This is how it was. I dressed slowly, smoothing, perfuming, powdering. [...] This is I, I thought, the American virgin, dressed to seduce. I know I'm in for an evening of sexual pleasure. We go on dates, we play around, and if we're nice girls, we demure at a certain point. And so it goes. "— SYLVIA PLATH.

She is bisexual, but is rarely surrounded by female characters— only really when in bars on stop overs. To be frank, she isn't afraid of exploiting her sexuality for a given purpose or of sexual exploration either.

As far as she was concerned, she had a regular childhood (save her powers). She received affection from her parents and from the rest of her family, and was fairly well liked at school. Thus, she is a fairly affectionate character— and doesn't really take into consideration whether others like intimacy the way she does unless she is told directly (eg. From hug to high five, if she is told some one is uncomfortable).

v. Valory finds great value in friendship and family. She had one once, one she cared for even if they weren't loyal. She doesn't mind being a part of another, since that one's gone and she knows (or at least tells herself) she is able to take care of herself if she is double crossed again. She would fight to the death for those she cares about (although she wouldn't sell her soul, that's where her line is drawn) and she likes to believe they'd do the same.

Valory gets very concerned when any of the team is sick— she practically mothers them for days on end, and single handedly nurses them back to health. If someone needs stitches or anything after a hunt, she's the one who volunteers to help. She cares too much to watch and not help. She also doesn't squirm at the sight.


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