Part 1.1: Frances

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Part 1.1: Frances

The TARDIS materialized, surrounding the lonely blue box was a small rural village somewhere in the United Kingdom. The Doctor stepped outside; the fresh air woke his senses. “Lovely fresh air,” the Doctor announced. In the bottom of the street was a small shop the only one for miles. The Time Lord was instantly interested; he loved rural towns.

He ran down to the shop and knocked into the door, inside a friendly woman sat behind the counter neatly decorated with a cash register and a small jar of mints. “Hello!” the Doctor wave frantically.

“Hello,” the charming woman smiled.

“So I am wondering do you sell microprocessors?” the Doctor spontaneously asked.

“Microprocessors?” she said unamused.

“Yes, now what is you're name?” the Doctor began to rummage through a stack of biscuits. In search of a packet of chocolate digestives. The woman load around and then back to him.

“My name is Frances,” the woman called Frances replied nervously. “Who on Earth are you, are you a tourist. Never seen you in town,” Frances continued.

“My name is the Doctor and you could say I am just a person getting on with life, I ended up in this village for some reason. What it called?” the Doctor smiled.

“Hollowfield, Shropshire” Frances answered. The Doctor jumped out of the biscuit stack and turned to Frances, his eyes beamed from left to right uncontrollably. He pulled out his Sonic Screwdriver and waved it around the room. “Are you okay Doctor?” Frances asked.

“Shropshire!” the Doctor screamed. He continued to scan for alien technology in the area, the TARDIS wouldn't bring him to Lancashire for no reason. “Anything weird happen in Hollowfield lately Frances?” the Doctor questioned the rather confused young lady. He watched her look at him baffled by this eccentric stranger.

“Well someone had a fight in the pub the other day?” Frances giggled hoping this man would eventually stop interrogating her. The Doctor approached her; leaning towards her and at one point directly looking her into her eyes. “I am going to be completely honest Doctor, you are insane!” she continued. Maybe this was just a practical joke someone in the village was playing.“Look why not go to Shrewsbury its a lot more interesting there, especially since Hollowfield is so-”.

“No it isn't dull,” the Doctor interrupted.

“How did you know I was going to say it was dull?” Frances asked.

“Because everyone thinks villages are dull and now that I am here one thing I can assure you is that it is not dull in the slightest. Let me assure you that Frances, something is happening here and I am not leaving until I get to the bottom of it,” the Doctor roared. He froze for a short moment. “Sorry apparently this new regeneration can be a bit rude some times!” the Doctor said to himself shocked.

“Really; Doctor where are you from?” Frances asked now feeling a slightly bit threatened. She hoped that some how she hadn't upset this peculiar fellow.

“Well if I told you that you would most probably run around panicking,” the Doctor cheerfully grinned.

“Why are you some sort of terrorist or something?” Frances wondered.

“Terrorist? Why do I look like one, its not the olive green coat is it?” the Doctor asked, he had just selected this one and didn't want to change it already. “Do you think you can come with me for a while. I think Hollowfield has more secrets than I suspect!” the Doctor smiled. Frances pointed at the counter.

“I don't know if you can see this but I am working!” Frances smiled.

“Well stop working,” the Doctor cheekily remarked. Obviously Frances had not had someone come into the shop for the last few hours so with a sense of guilt she looked up to him and sighed.

“Fine I will come with you, I don't know why? You make me laugh actually. I like how eccentric you are and why you are so interested in this little town. We get tourists but not like you; normally the tourists give us there name not a title,” Frances smiled.

“Okay remind me to log that down. Eight regeneration is funny, eccentric and a bit zany? Zany is that even a word. It doesn’t sound like a word, maybe it is. Oh and likes to ramble, mustn’t forget that!” the Doctor nattered with himself.

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