The Train Ride

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As the train rode past the station I felt like my life was over. I was leaving my family on my way to boarding school. My family sent me away this year because of the incident last summer. I tried not to think about what happened that summer so I closed my eyes for a few minutes of shut eye.

                This summer Sarah and I snuck out of my house in order to go to a club with a few of our friends. Sarah and I were walking home after sneaking out and going to a club. We started walking down an alleyway when out of nowhere a man jumped off of the roof. A man dressed in all black he started following us. So we started to run. We turned down the street into another alleyway.

I looked behind us, “oh my god. What just happen?” I turned to Sarah

She looked at me as pale as a ghost, “I don’t even know. All I know is that we are now safe.”

We were both really scared so we stopped talking. The only thing we could hear was the sound of our footsteps. Then in the next second my friend screamed. I turned to ask her, “Wh--”

She cut me off, “Shhh.”  She said pointing past me and at the man dressed in all black. He jumped at us grabbed my friend. He slammed her against the wall. Took off his glove and touched his hand to his face.

His hand which was black and not the normal skin tone black, but translucent and not real. It looked as if he was absorbing her soul. There was a bright glow swirling from her eyes. When he pulled his hand away from her face she dropped to the ground.

Before I even checked her pulse I could tell she was dead. My best friend since we were eight was dead. I didn’t know what to do. Until I saw her a little farther down the alleyway. She was translucent and glowing but she was there.

I ran down to here yelling her name, “Sarah!!! What just happened?”

She turned and looked at me with a look of confusion. She gave me a look and shook her head bringing a finger to her lips and turns around. There was a bright light in front of her. She started walking towards it and disappears. I run after her but the light is gone by the time I get there. I am left alone in the alley with just myself and Sarah’s dead body.

I woke up with a jolt. The pain in my brain forcing my eyes closed. The thought coming into my mind again, my friend was murdered last summer in front of my face. After I called the cops and told them what happened they didn’t believe me. I am crazy that is what everybody told me. I talked to a counselor and they told me that the man I saw was just my way of coping with Sarah’s death.

I close my eyes for the rest of the train ride this time I had no dream. No memory or whatever you wanted to call it. To me it was real. To me my friend was murdered, but that’s not what matters to the cops and the rest of the world Sarah had a heart attack. Her heart just randomly stopped beating. Maybe it is good that I am going somewhere new. Maybe everything will get better. I will just be able to accept that she died of natural causes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2012 ⏰

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