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<('_' )># <(°o°<) CAN I HAVE SOME OF YOUR WAFFLE?!!!
#<( -_-)\ NO...
(> '_')> fine... BRB
(/O.O)># ---|=<(•o° )> GIVE ME THE WAFFLE!! OR I STAB YOU!!

(o_o) you ticklish?
(-_-) yeah...why?
(~°_°)~ .(/°o°)/ NOOOO!!!

Nap Time
5 year old: "I DONT WANNA!" (>o<)
College guy: "PRAISE THE LORD!!" \(°o°)/

*at a party (._.)
*song comes on (o_o)
*resist temptation (o_O)....

*"Its fun to stay at the YMCA!" \(°o°\) \(^o^)/ (/°o°)/

(-_ (-_ (-_ (*-_-) _-) _-) _-)      (>^o^)>   }¡{
damnit Steve!! Quit chasing that butterfly!!

how me and my friends think we walk:


how we really walk:

-(o_0)/ v(>_^)- w(^0^)w ~(o.°)~ /(=o=)/ 

Is it alive? ( ._.) , (._. ) idk? poke it...

-COME BACK!! Let me Luuuurvvvv youuu!!
(~°0•)~ (/°o°)/ leeave meee aloooone!!!

~(•0°)v RAWR!!
I mean.... UuuuNnnnnGgggHhhhhh!!!!!

Why are you upside down??
( 0_o) (.-. )

Mom: WAKE UP!!
Me: ( ~_~ )
( -_- )
( -_° )
( °_- )
( >__< )

That was very funny (^o^)
but I dont like you (-_-)
Therefor I shall not laugh (>_<)

Sooooooo yeahhhh........


(/°0•)~ (/°o°)/


Cheesy Pick Up Lines xDΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα