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Yoosung had always tried to find an excuse to go over to Seven's place. But he's not gay, he just wanted to play LOLOL on a big screen. Not gay. At all.

He arrived at the house in 13 minutes and 56 seconds, not that he was counting or anything. Because he's not gay.

He texted Seven to open the door, which actually opened 4 minutes and 26 seconds later. But, again, he's not counting. Because that would imply he's gay. Which he isn't.
Yoosung is the least gay person ever.

He entered Seven's house and looked around at how shiny everything is. The floors were polished (with some clothes scattered), the computer screens had no finger prints, and even the ceiling was shiny. Who polishes their ceiling? Apparently Seven does.

"Your maid must me amazing!" Yoosung told Seven excitedly.

"What? Oh, yeah. Vanderwood is pretty great. Other than the constant nagging but you know, it's good sometimes."

"I want a maid, this is no fair."

"You're so needy. First the chips, now a maid? What's next, a car?"

"Yes!" Yoosung yelled while practically jumping for joy at the idea. He had almost forgotten about the chips. "So what about that promise you made me, with the chips?"

"Oh, about that..." Seven trailed off, making Yoosung worried that he wouldn't get the glory chips. "You didn't stay in the chat long enough to read the last bit." Yoosung had a look of almost complete terror in his eyes. He wanted-- no. Needed those chips.

"What's the 'last bit'?" Yoosung asked, his voice breaking. He was willing to do anything for the chips--

"You have to bottom for me."

--except that.

"NO!! NEVER!!! I'M NOT GAY!!" Yoosung screamed at the redhead, stepping back slightly.

"Yoosung," Seven said, stepping towards his friend, "you never know until you try."

"I DON'T WANT TO TRY!!!" Yoosung yelled back at him.

"Oh? How can you resist this?" Seven said, swishing his hand through the air, in a way to show off his body that was irresistible to the blonde. But he's not gay.

"I don't know..." The student mumbled.


"....!! I SAID 'EASILY'."

Yoosung bolted out the door and left to his apartment. He knew what would make him feel better, what would make him forget about this whole situation. LOLOL. He desperately needed LOLOL.

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