Supercorp Christmas

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Kara tiptoed to the closet and slowly pulled out a garbage bag filled with presents. Lena may have let it slip that she had never gotten any presents from Santa because the Luthors didn't let their children believe in 'nonsense'. Naturally, Kara had immediately resolved to play Santa Claus for her fiancée. She carefully arranged brightly colored packages and gift bags around an already overflowing Christmas tree.

Then, as quietly as she'd left, she got back into bed and snuggled up against Lena's chest, wrapping her arms around the sleeping woman's shoulders.


"G'Morning, you," Lena whispered, waking Kara with a gentle kiss on the nose.

"Morning," Kara mumbled as she melted into Lena's embrace. She looked around at where she was and sat up with a start. "It's Christmas!"

"Yeah, it is," Lena laughed, giving her an amused smile and eyeing the wall clock, which read eight thirty. "I'm surprised you didn't pull me out of bed at seven this morning. Ready to go and open presents?"

"We have to wait until after breakfast," Kara answered. "We all meet in the kitchen, eat, and then enter the living room all together."

"Ok, what's for breakfast?" Lena asked.

Kara broke into an infectious grin, pulling Lena out of bed and down the hallway.

"Gingerbread cookies!"

The two women entered the kitchen to find Eliza and Mon-El already up and awake. Mon-El was scarfing down cookies with a hunger that only Kara could match, and Eliza was sipping hot chocolate from a holiday mug that Kara had made when she was in seventh grade. She still didn't quite understand Earth things, and someone had given her an arts and crafts kit. Seeing that Kara had absolutely no idea what she was doing, Alex had tried to help her in an effort to keep her from getting clay and paint everywhere. 

Fifteen minutes or so later, Alex dragged a bleary eyed, half asleep Maggie into the kitchen and made them each a cup of coffee. At around nine forty-five, Winn still wasn't up. Kara tried hard to mask her disappointment that they hadn't made it into the living room for present opening yet, but Alex, who knew how much the holidays meant to her, could see it on her face. She groaned and marched into Winn's room.

"Schott!" she huffed.

There was a startled scream, some annoyed yelling, and, two minutes later, Alex exited the room carrying a frightened looking Winn bridle style. He yelped as he was set harshly onto the floor. Alex shot him a death glare.

"Sorry I made you wait so long, Kara," Winn stuttered. "We can open presents now."

Kara shot Alex an annoyed look, but secretly, she was grateful for what her sister had done. Plus, it had been very entertaining.

The look on Lena's face when she picked up the present closest to her and found that the tag had been addressed to her from Santa told Kara that her two a.m. charade had been worth a little sleep deprivation.

"You did this," Lena grinned. It wasn't a question. She enveloped the blushing Kryptonian in a bear hug. "Thank you, Kara. You don't know how much this means."

"It was nothing," Kara assured her. "People like giving Supergirl gifts, and I didn't need any of them, so I wrapped up the ones I thought you'd like to give as Santa presents and donated the rest to charity. Except for the chocolate. I ate most of that," she admitted.

Lena laughed and gave her a quick kiss.

"These could all be cheap trinkets from the dollar store, and I'd still love them," she said. "It's the sentiment that I love the most- the fact that you thought about me and did this, the fact that you put all of this effort into making me happy."

"I'd do it all again if I could get you to smile like that," Kara gushed.

"Alright, Jack and Rose," Maggie interrupted. "Let's get on with this. I know for a fact that you got me an espresso maker, Little Danvers, and I wanna find it."

"Did you go through my gift closet again?" Kara chastised.

"Not that you can prove," Maggie winked. "By the way, nerdboy, you're gonna love the Star Trek bowtie that Kara got you."

"Maggie!" Kara whined.

Lena handed her a small box. Kara opened it to find a silver heart with a little L engraved on the front and a date on the back.

"That's the first day we met," Lena explained. "My first thought was of your eyes: the bluest eyes I'd ever seen, so full of hope, for the world, for humanity, for the future. They also held kindness, something that I wasn't used to seeing when people looked at me. You left quite an impression."

"As did you," Kara whispered.

"And the L's for Lena, obviously."

"And Lesbian," Maggie interrupted again.

Kara ignored her and cupped Lena's face, giving her a slow, sweet kiss. The taste of gingerbread mixed with that of coffee.

"I love you," Kara said, pulling back.

"I love you, too," Lena smiled. "Now, I think that's enough sappiness for the morning. Let's get back to Christmas presents and whatever else you Danvers have planned."

Kara grinned, sure that this was going to be the best Christmas yet. 

A Danvers and a Luthor (Supercorp fic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat