42: Arcadia Kingdom Come

Start from the beginning

I pulled out my wallet and handed him a hundred dollar bill. "Keep the change." I smiled at him and left the vehicle into the pouring rain. If I would have stayed out for more than five minutes I could have expected to be completely soaked.

I glanced back, Jim's face was filled with happiness to recieve the extra cash. He even waited until I was safe inside the house before pulling away.

Atleast it was dry in here, I thought to myself. I took Sebastian out of his carrier to lay him on the floor surrounded by toys.

The house looked the exact same way that I left it. Laundry baskets had still been filled with familiar articles of clothing, our beds still had not been made from the last time we slept in them, even the computer monitor in the hidden room was still on surrounded by all the crud that had not moved an inch since we were last here.

Kale must have forgotten to turn off the monitoring system after we all left the house. I could not pin point the reasons why but that is what it was.

I left the room and joined my child. He had of course not moved from the place I had set him down. His eyes wandered through the room filled with colourful artwork of all kinds.

"Kale, I know you are listening right now, or at least will hear this at some point. since you have been stalking my every move in this house. I just wanted to thank you for what you did for me over the years. You knew it was my dream as a young child of ten years old to become a professional dancer. Since my parents wouldn't let me move the USA to live under your protection, I moved to Sweden where I met my closest friends and the love of my life."

Sebastian laid in my arms listening to my voice.

"I even started my own family... You have called me back to WOD to dance with you which has still to this day has not happened yet, so I began to question your motives. But then I realized what I had that you really wanted... That was a family."

My eyes began to tear up as I looked at one of the 'hidden' cameras in the corner of the room.

"People only get one family, and thanks to you trying to screw mine up I gained the best family of all. You may take away my studio, my home, even my own mother away from me, but this is what you can never take away from me." I held up my child towards the camera.

"And Kale, Mr. Johnson sir.... May you fucking rot in hell."

I left the room without another word, even here at this house I didn't feel like I was alone. Something was still watching me somewhere. That was the flaw of Californa.

I finished packing up my bag and began heading for the door. Accept when it had opened I saw Oscar standing pulling out his keys.

"Hey, how did you know I was here?" I asked him.

"I had a hunch, and you weren't anywhere else so..."

I nodded.. I knew he had the results of the trial within that brain of his but I truthfully extremely scared to find out the verdict.

Oscar had pulled himself inside the house, By now the rain had stopped and the air just remained moist.

"Theres not much to do here I mean there are eyes on us no matter where we go." I flug my arms up hopelessly I had the same enthusiasm as a young child refusing to clean their room. Even though I made the mess I was not inclined to clean it up.

Oscar didnt respond to me however he just nodded and began looking through the CD's that were stacked on a shelf, probably to never be used again because no one ever used them.

"This is where you lived?"

"Yea, Kale bought us the house. Our rooms are upstairs." I pointed over near the front entrance where the staircase was. "And this is the kitchen, the computer room that Omar found....The television that told us you were dead."

Trip of a Lifetime - The Fooo Conspiracy (Oscar Enestad)Where stories live. Discover now