31: Survival of the Fittest

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Bright white lights strained my eyes so I could not view my surroundings.

Eventually my eyes could adjust to room. I attempted to stretch but my arm hit a wall close to my face.

What? I was surrounded in a hard plastic dome lying on a hard mattress of a sort.

My stomach was covered in an odd

light blue blanket. I dared to lift it off of my body.

Well that was a mistake! I forced myself to look away from the wound on my stomach. The pins pulling my skin together were so disgusting; I couldn't believe that was my body that looked like this. The nurses couldn't even have the decency to clean up the blood that had now dried to my skin. My whole situation looked ridiculous I could have been an alien experiment, or Frankenstein’s next generation of body parts.

"Hello, Alisha? How are you feeling?" This voice was familiar to me somehow.

I felt a soft warm hand graze the side of my face pulling my locks of hair away as the large plastic dome was raised. An oxygen mask was quickly placed upon my face.

"Alisha." I heard another voice speak. "Your friend Daff is here can you say hello?"

I managed to let out a grunt. "H-hej."

"Good job, I also need you to take a couple deep breaths for me ok?"

I tried really hard to but my ribs and muscles were refusing to let me.

"Can you please try to breathe deep?" I continued trying and began to panic when I couldn't.

"Don't worry it's alright. Just relax now, you should be fine." I rested my body back against the bed.

"How did this happen to me?" I asked him. He looked down avoiding my gaze; I knew he was embarrassed of what Katia did.

"She threw something sharp at you when you were at the studio, and it punctured you in the stomach." He shifted himself in his chair to sit closer to me. "You started bleeding internally since you left to find Oscar until you fell in the hospital hallway. You probably tore more of your abdomen when you pushed Oscar’s stretcher." He pulled himself closer to me and whispered. "Alisha, what you did to save Oscar was amazing and I want to thank you for being so courageous. If Omar hadn't have looked back, you probably wouldn't be here today."

"Wait... Omar?"

"Yes, he noticed that you were missing before we even left you ten feet! He saw you on the floor and was quick to get the nurses attention. He left Oscar's side immediately to help you."

I never thought Omar cared too much for me; this really shocked me but comforted me at the same time.

"Where is Katia now?"

"She's with Oscar at the moment with everyone else. Honestly, I know she looks tough but she is really scared to see you."

"I don't blame her; she has a lot to be scared about when I am stuck in a stretcher." Daff laughed at my comment. Obviously I couldn't hurt her at the state I was in.

"Can I go see them?"

"I'll call a nurse to see if you can." Daff left the room and soon returned with a young female nurse."

"Who do you want to visit?" she asked me kindly.

"Emm...his name is Oscar Enestad? He is my boyfriend."

"Alright miss, I am going to pull up your bed and we are going to try standing you up." Daff and her took my arms and slowly guided me off of the bed.

Trip of a Lifetime - The Fooo Conspiracy (Oscar Enestad)Where stories live. Discover now