Carter Hart • Everett Silvertips

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Glancing up at the clock during my last hour was probably the worst decision I'd made that day. It felt like it was coming close to an end, but I was saddened to see that only twenty minutes had gone by since the start.

"Mr. Hart, can you tell me how many years a senators term is?"

Everyone's attention went to the boy sitting near the back of the class. His eyes shifted from his notebook to the awaiting teacher. They flickered nervously around the room, landing on mine. I tilted slightly out of the teacher's view and mouthed the answer to him.

He gave a short nod and cleared his throat. "Six years,"

The teacher looked at him skeptically for a moment. "Good. Now, who was the first..."

Our gaze hadn't broken for the passing seconds after the fact, the realization of his actions causing him to turn away from me. A little smile crept its way onto his face and I saw him shake his head.

"This is your homework. It will be due on Wednesday. I expect to get this back with every answer correct,"

I snarled to myself the moment the work was set down in front of me, clicking my pen open and writing my name down. I read the beginning four words of the first question and couldn't help but regret every single minute I hadn't payed attention in the godforsaken class. 

Before I was able to open my textbook, a crumpled ball of paper fell onto the wood in front of me, almost rolling off the desk. I scrambled to reach for it before it dropped, gaining a strange glare from the girl beside me. My fingers moved clumsily as I unraveled the sheet and my breath hitched when I saw what was scribbled.

'Prom?' - Carter xx

I laid the note flat on the desk and smoothed it down, face burning. My stomach was practically doing flips as I read what was written over and over again. There's no way this is real.

"Oh my gosh," I muttered and bit the inside of my cheek to keep myself from looking like a madman, finally managing to grasp my pen properly.

Restaurant ideas? :)

I carelessly smashed the paper back into something that resembled a ball and tossed it over my shoulder in his general direction, being mindful that no one sat around him. A few moments passed before a short laugh filled the otherwise silent room. That was sure to grab the teacher's attention.

"Mr. Hart, I assume there would be nothing amusing about the president's cabinet," she spoke, jutting her hip out impatiently.

Carter's smile dropped instantly and his face went red. He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, fidgeting uncomfortably in his seat. "Um, n-no, ma'am. It's nothing,"

I giggled softly at his flustered state, managing to earn Ms. Morris' glare.

"There's obviously something that I'm missing here. Can someone plea- oh," she stopped suddenly, mouth curling up slowly at the corner. "You and Mr. Hart, huh? Who would've guessed it?"

My knee hit the underside of the desk in surprise. I went to deny it, but she managed to cut me off. "No, no, it's okay. It's young love. No reason to be embarrassed. I remember what it was like. Just keep it on the down low in this class, yeah? Things will go smoother for everyone,"

The other students did everything in their power to not reach further with it, to which I was so, so grateful for. Heat had spread throughout my entire body in the midst of the conversation and I just wanted to bury myself in a heap of blankets and never come out. I could only imagine what Carter felt like.

I didn't make any attempt to break away from the assigned worksheet for the rest of class, too worried about the teasing comments that were weighing down in the back of everyone's mind.

By the time the bell had rung, I was already on my way to the student parking lot, partly to beat the rush while the other was to avoid any questions.

As soon as my key was shoved into the driver side lock, a hand grasped my wrist. I flipped around and let out a sigh of relief when I saw Carter towering over me.

"That was absolutely terrible," he chuckled, staring down at me. "Sorry. It was my fault. One wave of courage and you have an entire classroom judging you,"

"That was... very awful," I agreed, nodding vigorously. "But I'm glad you got the courage to do it,"

His eyes went bright. "Really?"

"Really. I wanted to ask you, but there would have been absolutely no way I would've been able to do it. I can barely answer a question in class without embarrassing myself somehow," I tucked my bottom lip between my teeth.

"I would've said yes right away,"

"Well, now I know that," I rolled my eyes jokingly. "But, uh, yeah. I guess I haven't answered straight up yet. I would love to go to prom with you,"

"Awesome," Carter leaned down and kissed my cheek quickly. "I-I'll text you, okay?"

"Okay," my voice was small when I finally spoke, heart beating entirely too fast to be considered normal.

When he left my line of view, I hurried into my car and threw my backpack into the passenger seat before gripping the steering wheel tightly.

"Thank you, government class,"

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