Chapter 6

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He stole one last glance at her face then left the room and stood facing Steve in the corridor.

"Are you sure you can be near her?"


"Last night you lost control. And you seem to be getting attached to her so... Is it wise?"

He felt his face hardened "Im not getting attached. I'll be fine."

He walked back into her room closed the door and sat back down. Bucky knew he was in fact getting attached but he wasn't going to admit that. Not even to himself. Not just yet, anyway.
"So what do you want to do today красивая (beautiful) ?" He asked her.

Her face lit up. "Now what does that mean?"

"Ah yet another secret." He teased, with a extremely attractive smirk. He felt so confident and full to the brim with life.

"Well, today I thought we could go shopping." She said smiling brightly.

"Shopping?" His face and mind went blank.

"Well I've been dying to get some fresh air. Let me think, what do I need..."

After abit what she was saying blurred together because he only understood about 10% of it. But for him to see her face lit up like that was magical, just to see how happy she was.


"So what do you think?"

"Umm," He didn't hear what the question was, "Yes?"

"Great! I'm soo glad you agree. You need a change of clothes."

He mentally translated 'defo' to be a shortened version of definitely.

He should have been listening closer but nevertheless he smiled and shook his head.

The pair got dressed and went to get one of Tony's lower profile cars after a strict conversation with Steve.

"I'm twenty years old Steve." Amelia said
"And I'm ninety three years old." Bucky added.

"And I'm ninety four so respect your elders," he started to let them go but then said "don't do anything stupid."

"Im older you punk!" Bucky exclaimed.
It was a glimpse at their friendship and the old, whole Bucky. That was hidden, but resurfaced just for a moment.

"Jerk." Steve retorted, looking like he was about to weep at their old nicknames for each other.

They strode up to the car and Amelia got in the drivers seat much to Bucky's displeasure.

"I feel bad making you drive. In the 40's I remember always driving a girl to places not them driving me." He said.

"Well seeing as you have no licence I shall be your chauffeur until further notice." She joked.

It almost felt like they were a couple.

He smirked lightly. " Whatever you say, doll."

"Doll?" She asked, suddenly aware of his eyes on her and the new heat rising up her neck headed for her cheeks. He blushed ever so slightly, embarrassed by his outburst of affection. Said outbursts were getting more common.

"Sorry. I shouldn't have said that." He looked down, focusing so hard on the footwell of the car she thought he might burn a hole in it with his gaze.

"On the contrary, I quite like it." She said quickly and turned away to hide her blush as best she could although she could imagine being betrayed by the pink tips of her ears. He looked at her in surprise. He was unable to comprehend that he had made her blush.

"Let's get a move on." She said, changing the subject. They pulled out of the garage and onto the busy road.

"So," She started "what kind of clothes do you like?"

The car revved as she took her foot slowly off the clutch and edged forward with the traffic.

"I don't know, what stuff should I look for?"

"Whatever you want," She replied "Tony gave me his credit card therefore I am going to spend as much money as possible before he realises what's going on!!"

Once they got to the mall, or shopping centre as Amelia called it, Bucky thought her British was so cute, she grabbed the sleeve of his jacket and tugged him along until he stopped dragging his feet.
"Come on, we don't have all day." She laughed.

When they got to the entrance Bucky stopped dead. He suddenly started to wonder whether it would be safe for people, civilians, to be near him. What if he lost control? He swallowed thickly and blinked slowly.
Amelia noticed he'd stopped and walked back over. She put her small, delicate hand on his real arm so, not purposely, he could consequently feel her delicious warmth seep through his sleeve onto his arm. 

"Don't worry, I will be with you the whole time. You're safe." She looked into his eyes and just knew by his expression what he thought.

Her grey eyes looking at him like no one else did. Like he wasn't a monster, but just a man. Even Steve, his best friend, sometimes doubted his hold on his mind. But right here, right now, she looked at him with only caring and ?

"But what if someone recognises me? What if I lose control?"

"I'm here to look out for you. I will be right next to you the whole time. You are very much stuck with me." Amelia smiled.

Those words accidentally held more weight than she intended.

She linked her fingers through his and he immediately felt safer. It was a peculiar sensation for him and even more strange that he felt better from a simple touch. It made him want to know more on this emotion he was so out of touch on. She gently squeezed his hand.

"Your too good to me darlin' ." He told her. Blushing follows.

"Shall we?" Bucky gestured towards the door.

"We shall."

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