"Xavier is beginning to have his doubts about whether you should have been put in charge of this project."

"You would know how he feels, of course." I muttered.

Jinx turned on me, slamming her purse into the side of my head. I fell out of my chair, getting up instantly and backing away before she could hit me again. Though everyone on the island of Theta Sigma knew that Delta's failing marriage was the partial result of Jinx's attraction to Mr. Cane, few were stupid enough to talk about it.

"Don't forget who you're talking to, child." She hissed at me.

"Peace, Sasha." Delta said, putting a hand on her shoulder. "You didn't mean anything by that comment, right, Katana?"

I nodded, rubbing my stinging cheek.

"I want an apology." Jinx said.

I looked at Delta, who nodded.

"I'm sorry." I muttered.

Jinx didn't appear convinced as to my sincerity, but let me off the hook. She turned back to Delta. "My love, come see what wonderful gifts I'd found us."

Delta offered me a hand and pulled me to my feet. "Come on, Katana. It's time you met your subordinates."

We left the office and walked down a pure white, curving hall. It led around the edge of a giant biosphere, the roof translucent to allow sunlight inside. Still, the children that wandered around the trees and little living quarters looked sallow and sickly. One of them lay beside the pond in the center of the dome. It was hard to tell if it was simply sleeping or dead. I looked away quickly. That was one of the first things you learned on Theta Sigma: there was no time to care for others. If you tried, you died. That was the way of things.

We stopped outside of a glass holding cell. Inside are around twenty girls, all around twelve years old, some glaring at us resentfully, the rest sobbing quietly.

"None will be missed?" Delta asked.

"Of course not." Jinx replied. "Some are homeless. Some runaways. A few foster children. All healthy and strong. Not like the clones we have in there." She nodded towards the biosphere.

"Alright." Delta looked at the small group of scientists in lab coats who awaited instructions. "Pair them with a Clone. Make sure the Clones know that they are not to be harmed. Katana, make sure they understand what they have to do."

"Yes, Delta." I replied, already moving back towards the biosphere.

When I reached the thick doors on the edge of the dome, a single guard was waiting for me. He opened it without a word, eyes filled with contempt. I ignored him and entered the biosphere.

Under the dome was a jungle, complete with birds and a river which flowed into a miniature lake in the center. Around the lake were small huts made of stone. I entered mine, the one closest to the door, barely stopping to look at the other children. I closed the door behind me, surprised to find a second cot across from mine.

The door opened and Delta entered, carrying a small girl. She was an outsider, not a Clone.. Her copper skin was streaked with tears and dirt. Her black hair was long and covered most of her face except for her scared brown eyes. They regarded me in terror as Delta set her down on the second cot.

"This is Mahlika." Delta said. "She was found in an orphanage in Turkey. She's going to be your new roommate, alright, Katana?"

I nodded.

"There's around twelve new girls. It's going to take some getting used to, I suppose. They're going to be a bit different from what you're used to dealing with. Don't get frustrated if they don't respond as you want them to, they're all very scared and confused." He started for the door. "And Mahlika doesn't speak much English yet."

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