Chapter Five (unedited)

Start from the beginning

“So what are we going to learn about them today?” she asked, raising her eyebrows questionably in Kaylie’s direction. Oceania hoped that it wasn’t something that had to do anything about what she already knew about the DeLani family, since that was a wide variety of things. One of them being that they were of French origin. Oceania didn’t know what French was, since the world right then was only one place, with only one country in place and one language.

Kaylie looked down at the younger woman, her caramel brown hair falling into her face. She pushed back a strand of her hair behind her ear, her mouth opening just a little bit, making those ruby red lips look even more enticing than they already were. “Wait and see,” she told Oceania with a grin.

Oceania laughed softly, looking back up at the black tablet in front of her and right above the cozy fireplace that was in set. Oceania closed her eyes, smiling. She loved that heat of fire when she was close to it. She could feel security in her stomach well up as she leaned back in the leather chair that she was sitting on.

Kaylie grabbed the clear white disk container that was sitting on the wooden coffee table and held it up in her hand with a smirk. “Let’s watch,” she told Oceania as she straightened up, walking over to the tablet and inserted the disk into the slot where it was supposed to go. She turned around, placing the container back on the coffee table and walked over to Oceania, relieving her weight from her legs as she sat down. Oceania could feel the movement, which caused her to slide over a little bit to the other female.

“Sorry about that,” Oceania told her as she pushed herself off of Kaylie.

Kaylie shook her head before she turned her gaze back towards the tablet, propping herself up on the armrest of the leather chair.

The sound that came through the tablet penetrated the room around them as their eyes glued to the screen of the tablet. Oceania bit her lip, squinting over at the sudden brightness of the dimmed room, rubbing at her eyes again. She could see the images fading into view as it warmed up, dimming until it reached its full potential. Oceania leaned back in her seat, training her eyes on the screen as she watched the documentary.


When they had gotten done with that, Oceania blinked as her vision came back into focus. A lot of the document had been telling her about the basics of the royal family, of what she already knew. There had been only small parts that she hadn’t learned so far, and she could feel her stomach bubble up in amazement. She drew her gaze down to her wrists, which were now bounded to the chair, for a reason that she knew of. When she watched the visionaries every single time, she had to be bound down or else she would start doing what people started doing in the visionaries. Kind of what she knew of as REM sleep, but not paralyzed during it.

Oceania moved her gaze over to Kaylie sitting beside her and squinted her eyes. “What was that for?” she asked her, raising her eyebrow. She didn’t think that the other female would actually tell her the things she already knew about the DaLani family, but she was wrong.

Kaylie’s cheeks dimpled as she smiled, picking up the clicker from the armrest beside her. “Because, sweetheart,” she said, pushing herself off of the chair as she pressed her thumb on the pause button. “It’s just the basics about what you need to know during your mission.” Kaylie straightened up from the chair, walking over to the tablet and grabbed the disc from the slot. 

Oceania furrowed her eyebrows. “What do you mean?”

As she put the disc back in its container, her eyes glinted as she looked over at Oceania sitting on the chair. “You’ll see,” she said discreetly, setting the container back down on the coffee table before she strode back over to Oceania, resting one leg on the chair as she faced her. Kaylie grabbed a tendril of her own hair, tucking it behind her ear as she looked at the other girl. She bit her lip.

Oceania furrowed her eyebrows together even more, perking up slightly. Why was Kaylie acting the way she was right then? What did she have to tell Oceania about the royal family?

“So you know that the Delanis have been ruling the world for about a couple centuries, correct?” she asked, raising her eyebrows at her.

Oceania nodded.

“And how they rose up in power and equity?”

Again, Oceania nodded.

Kaylie looked down at her legs, running her hands over the length of them. To Oceania, she looked pretty uncomfortable, but she assumed what Kaylie had to tell her was important. Oceania leaned in closer to the other girl, looking into her eyes. “What is it, Kaylie?”

Kaylie bit her lip. “Well, you know how everybody trusts them…?”

“Yeah, I do,” Oceania said, lifting her hand and motioning for her to continue.

She looked down at her legs, rubbing them some more before she blurted out, “The DeLani’s are forcing people—humans—to become drug addicts.”

A/N: I've noticed that I don't have any dedications, so I would like to dedicate the next chapter whose comment that I most like and is my favorite one on this specific chapter. Go forth with all of your adorable comments. c:

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2014 ⏰

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