Chapter 2

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I am gonna tell you people now that I will most likely put the wrong name in the wrong story at one point, just letting you know.

Rachel's POV

I recognize that voice, where have I heard that before? Now I realize, all their voices sound familiar. I nod and go get their drinks while thinking about them.

I walk back with their waters and I hear the word 'Biggums' and 'Bacca'. Only one duo uses those phrases, the Benj and Bac. I hand them their waters and I wonder, could I say hi knowing who they are without them getting mad at me? I take the risk.

"Here you go Benja" I had Mitch his drink "And heres yours Fluffy" I hand Jerome his and continue with the rest of the guys making sure to call Quentin 'Fish' I walk away with them looking dumbfounded.

Mitch's POV

Our waitress, Rachel, comes back with our waters. She hands me mine first and says something I've never heard a stranger say so calmly.

"Here you go Benja" She hands everyone else their waters while saying something they are often addressed as, and turns to leave.

"Umm, excuse me?" I call her back and she freezes. She turns around and the guys finish thinking about her knowing our names.

"Yes?" She asks in an innocent voice.

"How do you know our names?"Jason butts in. She shifts nervously from one foot to the other.

"I watch your videos" She mumbled with a small smile.

"Really? You don't look like one to watch them." Bodil says with his laugh, she laughs with him.

"I have some of your shirts" She gestures to us. "But I don't really wear them around town, only at home." Bodil or should I say, Martin was right, she didn't look like a person who would watch our videos but then again, looks can be deceiving.

"Why don't you wear them in public?" I asked her, she turned her head towards me.

"People think I'm obsessed so I just stopped and they stopped." She explained and I nod my head slowly. "So have you decided what you would like?" She returned to her job. I hear some of the guys say 'you' under their breaths and I shoot a glare at them. I have to admit, she was good looking but, Rachel was a lot younger than most of us.

"No, can we have another minute?" I request and she goes to another table. We already knew what we gonna eat but I needed to talk with them. Once she was out of ear shot I spoke to the guys.

"What the heck was that?"

"What was what?" Ian asked.

"She is younger than us if you couldn't tell. She must be Tyler's age" I wave my hand towards the brotato. "Because of that the only people that she would even make sense to date-and that won't happen- would be Tyler." I look over at him and his cheeks are a bright pink.

Tyler's POV

We sit down at our seat and a beautiful girl with brown hair down to her waist and bright blue eyes appoaches our table.

"Hello, my name is Rachel and I'll be your server today" She lets us know without looking up, Rachel, it suits her. We talk and decide on water for now.

"We'll all have water please" Mitch tells her and she seems to let her mind linger on something before nodding and receding back into the kitchen.

When she comes back she gives Mitch his drink first.

"Here you go Benja" He froze, she knew who he was? And she didn't fangirl? She addressed everyone else. "And heres yours Fluffy" She knew him too? Does she know who I am? "Fish" She gives Quentin his and I stifle a laugh. "Derp" Ian gives her a derp face. "Sky, Enderlox, Space boy" She gives the guys theirs and then turns to Bodil and I. "Troll-" she pauses "-and finally, brotato." She begins to walk away when Mitch attempts to call her back while we get over the shock of having our server be a fan.

"Umm, excuse me?" She turns and comes back to our table.


"How do you know our names?" 'Space boy' blurts out.

"I watch your videos" She said in a whisper while looking down.


"What the heck was that?" Mitch asks, anger laced in his voice.

"What was what?" Ian asks, he already had a girlfriend so he was clueless about what the guys said.

"She is younger than us if you couldn't tell. She must be Tyler's age. Because of that the only people that she would even make sense to date-and that won't happen- would be Tyler." I feel myself blush at his words. He waves Rachel back and orders our food, we didn't have something too big, just a filler for the afternoon.

The food only took a few minutes to eat before she came over with the bill, I'm paying. While signing I slyly put my number at the bottom and walk outside to join the guys who are being mobbed by fangirls. I hear a loud voice try and clear people away.

Rachel's POV

I go to pick up the bill after they leave when I see a large group of people by the doors, uh oh. I run out side and the guys are in the middle of it trying to get through the people. I sigh and start to clear everyone away.

"OKAY ITS NO BIG DEAL, YOU CAN LEAVE NOW" I shout and the girls look at me, stunned. I shrug and made a sign to go away. the grumble choice words at me until the only people left are the YouTubers.

Kinda short but I didn't wanna leave you on a cliff so I hope this will suffice for a day or two!

Sooooooo, Bye!

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