Humans can lick too

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Humans can lick too

Lily was staying by herself one night at home. It was her first time home alone, so she grabbed her dog and slept on the couch.

In the middle of the night Lily heard a tinkling sound. Thinking it was just a loose faucet, Lily got up and checked the sink. It was shut tight. The tinkling sound seemed to have stopped. Lily let her dog lick her hand, then she went back to sleep.

A little while later, Lily heard the tinkling again. She got up and checked the toilets, but everything seemed fine. The tinkling sound seemed to have stopped. Lily let her dog lick her hand, then she went back to sleep.

A little while later she heard the tinkling sound again. Lily got up, and this time went upstairs to check the sinks. In the bathroom, she found her dog, dead on the floor, with a note written in his blood:


Sorry this chapter is so short. The next chapter will be very long. This chapter is dedicated to poseidonsdaughter98. Check out her books, they're really good.


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