Stupid First Impressions - Part 26

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Chapter 26

“Mum, Dad, this is Geoffrey Tashtrey. The guy I was telling you about yesterday.”

“Nice to meet you sir, ma’am,” Geoffrey said politely, holding his hand out to them in turn. “I mean, properly meet you. Obviously we’ve met before, when I was here for the study dates.”

“Yes, but you haven’t been over in quite some time now, have you?” Dad said, playing Dad, while Mum wandered into the kitchen to make tea. “Any particular reason?”

“I-” he looked at me before straightening up and looking Dad in the eye. “I was being selfish, sir. Amy was making up with her old friends and I was jealous, and I took that out on her. I have no excuse but I hope I’ve made it up to her by now,” he finished, shooting me a lopsided smile.

“I see, and why exactly would you be jealous of my daughter having friends? She’s not a thing to possess you know.”

“I’m going to be completely honest with you sir. Amy had told me she had a crush on Luke Eller and I didn’t like the way he looked at her whilst he had a girlfriend. A bad girlfriend, sure, but Amy wasn’t her. So, I got jealous when she decided to make up with him, which meant I was kind of an ass, if you’ll excuse my language sir.”

“Hmph,” Dad grunted but that’s all he had to say on the matter so I guess Geoffrey passed that test. “I’ll just go see if your mother needs any help.”

Once he was out of the room, Geoffrey let go of the breath he’d been holding. I giggled, touching his perfectly combed hair and ruffling it a little. “Hey!” he exclaimed, grabbing at my hand and smoothing his hair out. “Do you mind? I’m trying to impress my future in-laws here,” he grinned, holding my hand and brushing a fly away hair from my face. I started blushing, which made him laugh, tugging on a strand of hair. “I’m glad you invited me over. Even if it was prompted by that asshat.”

“Yeah, well, I didn’t want to get them involved before I knew what was going on but Luke kind of forced my hand. I should probably put off meeting your parents, you know, officially, until we’re dating.”

“You mean ‘if’, don’t you?” he grinned, his eyes flashing. He leaned closer to me, eyes looking at my lips. “I mean, if you want to give in now and tell Luke where to stick it…”

“Tempting,” I said, meaning it. I could hear him holding his breath and I sighed. “Geoffrey, you don’t want me to rush this and end up feeling like I regret the choice, do you?”

“No, but I don’t think this is rushed. I think you know we’d be really good together but you’re scared of finding out,” his voice had lowered to a murmur, his breath tickling my eyelashes. I lifted my head to look him in the eyes and our lips were barely an inch apart. “You are wreaking havoc on my resolve, babe.”

“Sorry,” I whispered, not meaning it at all and lifted my lips a little further, so that they met his. A very chaste kiss, compared to some of our other ones but enough to make my heart beat faster and lose my breath in one big ‘whoosh’. I sighed and tucked my face into his neck. “How’s your resolve?”

“Practically non-existent. Be glad that your dad terrifies me or I might have had to take you upstairs for a little bit of ravishing,” he chuckled, the low rumble resonating in my head and relaxing me. “I really do want you to make up your mind soon Amy. Because I don’t know if I can stand the idea of you kissing him like this. Of him holding you and making you giggle and blush and- ok, I’m getting off topic.”

I giggled again, squeezing his hand and leaning away from him. “If it helps, Luke has never made me act like this,” I said softly, tracing a finger through an imaginary pattern on his arm. “And I’ve never kissed him. Not like I have you.”

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