Chapter Twelve

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Less than two hours later, Kate was watching TV alone in the house. Her mother had called Jared and reiterated the entire vision to him. Kate had drawn a sketch of the kidnapper and her mother had agreed to drop it off to him. She hadn't stayed in the room to hear their phone conversation. The anxiety was coming off of her mother in waves when she retrieved Kate from her room after the phone call.

Chewing on her lower lip, her mom shifted uncomfortably. "He kept insisting on talking to you directly..."

"And what did you tell him?" she asked narrowing her eyes.

"I said you were no longer comfortable with the situation and preferred I'd act as a liaison. Katie, maybe you should be the one to bring your sketch down to the police station. He mentioned maybe meeting with one of their people to do a professional rendering."

"No way. If anyone recognizes me and calls in a tip, I'm moving away and changing my name. It took months for me to go anywhere without some loon coming up to me and harassing me about Matt Spencer. I only want to have a normal life again."

"He could come over here and pick up the drawing," her mother suggested. "Then, if he has any other questions, you could answer them. I'll insist he only talk to you about things pertaining to the case if you want. However, I know he wants to apologize to you and it would be good for you to hear what he has to say when you're sober. You know how much drinking can heighten emotions."

"Listen, Mom, I can't be in his presence at all right now. Yes, it's selfish, but I don't want to have to sit and pretend I'm fine when I feel completely heartbroken. I told you every single detail about the vision and the sketch is pretty damn good if I do say so myself." She held up the piece of paper and knew it was a good representation of the man she saw in the vision. Almond shaped eyes with a large wide nose centered on his face. His bushy eyebrows and full lips were very distinctive. He had a closely shorn haircut and a rounded shape head. He appeared to be of mixed descent; possibly Hispanic or Italian.

Her mother finally hedged. "I don't exactly feel right about this, Katie, but I'll do what you say. But I still think you should give him a call."

Kate sighed. "Look, I'll do anything to find Cori. I guess you could have him send me a text with any questions and we'll go from there."

Her mother relented and dropped the subject to head off to the police station. Kate assumed if Jared really wanted to question her, there was probably nothing she could do about it. He could probably lock her up on obstruction of justice or something like that. Conversely, Kate had a feeling he would let her be. She was confident he felt as uncomfortable around her as she did. He would probably worry she would jump on top of him at any given moment and attack him with her tongue.

While waiting for her mom to return home, she was vegging on the couch. The phone rang and Kate cringed looking at the call display. Knowing she was in for an earful, she whispered a meek hello.

Julie's voice was rich with venom. "Oh good, you are alive. Now I can come over and kill you myself."

"I know I'm a horrible person, you should totally ditch me for someone who's not completely inept at being a good friend."

"Would it have killed you to return a call or a text?"

"I'm sorry, sort of recovering from an emotional breakdown. Honestly, I've been sleeping all day. I was trying to see if I could force my mind into a state of amnesia about last night."

"What did happen last night? Sebastian called Gage at like two in the morning to say you disappeared. You went to the bathroom and never came back apparently..."

First Visions: Second Sight Book OneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz