Chapter Nine

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Kate felt like she was on a covert mission as she left the bathroom. Her goal was to sneak out of the bar before Sebastian was able to spot her. She fully understood the mature thing to do would be to say goodbye and tell him she wasn't interested. However, she never claimed to be high up on the maturity ladder. As she made a sharp left, she slithered around the perimeter of the bar. She could spot Sebastian from her vantage point and he didn't appear overly concerned about how long it was taking Kate to return from the bathroom. In fact, he seemed to be checking out a pretty blond dancing a few feet from him. This assuaged Kate's guilt somewhat and she was certain Sebastian would move on quickly from her hasty exit.

Taking in a greedy gulp of fresh air, she pushed through the bar doors. It was a relief to breathe in something besides body odor, cheap perfume and desperation. A headache had started to form and she knew she'd have a wicked hangover tomorrow. Feeling eyes boring into her back, she turned around and saw a couple of guys smoking cigarettes and eyeing her up as they leaned against the outside of the building. She prayed she wouldn't end up murdered out here.

"Hey sweetheart, need a ride?" the larger of the two men asked. He was huge and every piece of visible skin was covered in tattoos. Kate easily imagined the guy making someone his bitch in prison.

She realized it was probably not the smartest move to wait out here alone in a dress that screamed wannabe hooker. The crowd had died down and it was eerily quiet outside. She didn't even have any mace in her pocketbook.

When she didn't answer, the guy gave her a devilish smile and nudged his friend. Kate promised if she lived through the night, she would take this skanky outfit and burn it. When the two guys began to approach her, she felt frozen in place. Their position put them directly between her and the door back into the bar. It didn't take a psychic to know they were thinking very bad thoughts about her. She thought about running, but realized she wouldn't get two steps without tripping in her heels. Although looking at the heels, she probably could use them as a weapon if the need arose, gouge out an eye or two.

"What's the matter, honey? I'll give you a good ride, I promise," he said lewdly and the guy next to him started to cackle hysterically. They continued to slither in her direction until they had managed to crowd into her personal space. Kate held her breath as the instigator breathed into her face. "Ain't you a hot piece?"

Kate was about to give a retort, but found herself frozen like a deer in headlights. Her obvious fright seemed to amuse the two men and they snickered as they watched her squirm.

"Do we have a problem here?"

Kate could have died from gratitude right then and there when she heard Jared's threatening voice behind her. A mixture of panic and drunkenness made her fail to notice when he had pulled his car up next to her. Daring a peek behind her, she saw him giving the two men a deadly stare. His furious expression made him appear just as scary as the drunken burly guy.

All of a sudden, she felt the man's meaty palm wrap around her waist. The urge to hurl all over him grew strong as he replied to Jared, "No problem, but I suggest you don't show up here and try to cock block me. Me and the girl were having a private conversation."

Untangling herself from his grasp, she skittered behind Jared. Jared grated out, "Touch her again and I will hurt you. I have no problem laying your fat ass out on the pavement right now."

The men looked ready to gear up for a fight, but seemed to think twice of it when the bar doors opened and a smattering of drunks were being escorted out by a couple of oversized bouncers. They turned their backs and retreated over to where they were standing before.

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