Kate whispered into the cell phone, "This unbelievably gorgeous guy is standing on my doorstep."

"What are you waiting for? Serial killers are rarely hot, so I'm sure he's safe," Julie assured.

Kate rolled her eyes—she hoped if this guy ended up dismembering her, Julie would blame herself for that awful advice. Looking down at her ratty appearance, Kate wished she had the time to change her clothing. For her rainy-day loungewear, she'd chosen to pair an oversized college t-shirt with a pair of Capri sweats. The sweats had gone through the wash too many times and had begun to fray at the edges. Her feet were bare and the pink polish from her pedicure weeks ago was beginning to chip.

Kate opened the door with her most charming smile. The man showed off his perfectly straight and gleaming teeth with a return smile. She was glad to notice he had at least one imperfection as her eyes narrowed on a chip on his front tooth. "Hello, I'm looking for Kate Edwards?"

"I'm the one and only," she replied while Julie snickered in her ear.

A look of surprise flickered briefly over the man's dark gray eyes. Recovering quickly, he gave her a half-smile. "Can I speak to you for a few minutes?" he questioned while fiddling with his tie.

He seemed somewhat nervous, which surprised Kate. Was he worried she wouldn't switch cable providers and he'd lose out on his commission? Maybe he was having second thoughts about launching a home invasion and strangling her in the hallway? Almost a foot taller than she was and muscular, Kate knew she didn't have a chance at surviving a fight against this handsome stranger. He exuded masculinity, while she was confident she exuded only laziness and dysfunction.

"Sure," she said and spoke to Julie. "Gotta go, call you in a few."

"You better," Julie hissed. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

After quickly disconnecting the call, she turned back to the man. "How can I help you?"

"Sorry, I should've introduced myself first." While he reached into his pocket, Kate prayed he wasn't pulling out a knife. Instead, he presented a badge to her. "I'm Detective Corbett of the Franklin Police Department. Do you mind if I come in?"

"Oh my God, of course, so sorry. You're absolutely soaked." She opened the front door and gestured for him to come inside. "Can I get you something to drink?" Her mother's good manners had been stuffed down her throat since before she could walk. Even if he had turned out to be a killer, she probably would have been prone to offer libations first.

A small puddle around his black loafers began to pool on the hallway floor. He gave her an apologetic look. "Sorry, and no thanks on the drink."

She entered the living room to the right of the hallway and sank down on the couch cushions. Settling down in the chocolate colored armchair next to her, he gave her a brief smile. It was a little intimidating being alone with an exceedingly attractive man. The majority of the time, the best-looking guy she came across was on the occasional weekday when the cute UPS delivery man came to the house. Working part-time as a receptionist at a doctor's office did not exactly expand her dating pool. The doctors were all over forty and the rest of the receptionists were married women or divorcees. The guys her age who did come into the office as patients were typically blowing out snot or trying hard not to vomit. Not exactly looking to score a date.

After doing a brief ring check on his left hand, she inquired innocently, "I'm not in trouble, am I?" She chided herself for suddenly sounding like a flirtatious Southern belle. All she needed was to toss back her brown hair and give him a wink to further advertise her availability.

"No, of course not. Actually, I'm here about an article published about you a couple of years ago," he explained.

Kate's previously friendly expression turned sour. She rose to her feet and crossed her arms over her chest. "I have no idea what article you're referring to and if you'll excuse me I have some cleaning to get to before my mother arrives home."

First Visions: Second Sight Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now