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I am but a petal in a garden of roses,
I am but a fish in the vast sea,
I am but a blade of grass in the meadow,
I am what I want to be.

I am a tiny spec of reality,
I am just a small fragment of hope,
I am depressed, desperate, alone,
I wear a necklace of rope.

I have given up on my past,
And now have been lain down to rest,
I am just a shadow of existence,
I am the north, east and west.

I am ashes in the ground,
Buried under so much torment and feeling,
I am the reminder of suffering,
I have tried but found no meaning.

I am the shadow in the darkness beyond,
And am the offbeat in a song,
I am sorry for my plight,
I am sorry for what I've done wrong.

Look at my grave covered in roses.
Look for my skin which was covered in scars.
Look for my deep blue despairing eyes.
Look at my ashes in the jars.

For that is where my heart is now.
And watch the birds roaring free.
Watch the roses die and crumple.
For the rose is me.

Hopeless Blunders X

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