Chapter Nine

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Today's the day we officially move into the apartment. Everything is set up and the renovations for the floor is complete. Ezra is bringing Aria and Troian to have a look at what the new place. I've broken down the wall that divides Ezras old apartment from the hallway, set up security gates just as you exit the elevator so that only I can get in. The foyer of the building is still under renovation. It might take a few months to be done.
Mason is busy unpacking his toys in his room, "Babe, I'm gonna get Ezra and Aria," James poked his head into my room. "Sure hun," I nodded and hung up the last photo frame, this one was of Mason and I on his birthday. Ezras old apartment was too cramped, when I did renovations I extended the kitchen to the apartment across Ezras. I have a walk in closet that leads to the bathroom and a wall that separates the kitchen from my room. His lounge is now an extended part of my room. I've done the same thing on the other side with Masons room. He has the other apartments lounge which extends as his room and opens to the kitchen. The kitchen is a wide open plan into the lounge, where the hallway used to be. Ezra and Aria walked in. "Woah," was the first thing that came out of Ezras mouth. "I take it that you like it?" I smirked. I hugged them both and took baby Troian from Aria. "Hello my little princess," I said to her. She's already a month old. Mason came running in. "Can I carry her please?" He begged. I gave him a stern look. "Sorry mom. Hello Aunt Aria," he hugged Aria. "Hello Uncle Ezra," he hastily hugged him and rushed to my side. Ezra and Aria laughed at him, "Spence don't be so hard on him. He's excited to see Troian," Aria said. I raised my eyebrow, "His excitement made him forget his manners. I will not raise my child that way," I said. "Sit with Uncle Ezra and you can hold Troian," I said to him. He sat next to Ezra and I handed him Troian. "Let me show you my room," I said to Aria. As soon as we got into the room I closed the door. "How are you feeling?" She asked me. "Morning sickness has stopped completely," I said. "I absolutely love what you've done with the place," she said. "Took me forever Ar. Thank you. Not for the compliment, for being here for me," I smiled and she hugged me. "Aw Spence, anything for you," she said. I wiped a fallen tear and we left the room. "Everything okay?" Ezra asked. "Yeah. Hormones," I smiled. "Come on. I'll show you what I've done." He took Troian from Mason and followed me.

"This is Masons room," I said when we entered the room. "I have my own toilet and bathroom," he beamed. I exited and went to room next to his "This is my baby's room," I said. They took a look around. "Wow Spencer. You really did a great job," Ezra said. "Thanks," I showed Ezra my room and then we all ate lunch. "Spence this is amazing," Ezra said when he took a bite of the calamari.

*7 months later*

The next few months were hectic. James moved in, we've decided to have a small wedding before the baby is born. Tonight we're out on a date or more like a meeting to discuss last minute wedding things, Mason is with Aria and Ezra so he won't be bored with us. The wedding is in two weeks.

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