Chapter 1: the kiss that started it all

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Dan P.O.V

"Phil! Hurry up!" I yell
"Wait a few minutes" he yelled back " I can't find my favorite shirt"
"Well if you cleaned your room more often then maybe you'd find things" I mutter
"I heard that"
Phil walks in, he's wearing his white button down shirt with black skinny jeans.
"I'm guessing you couldn't find it?" I smirk.
"Oh shut up Dan" he smiles. His eyes light up making my stomach turn.
I look away "we should go"
"You're going to wear that to the party?" Phil asks wrinkling his nose at me
"Yea what's wrong with it?" I ask looking down at my outfit. I was wearing my cat shirt, since I had forgotten to do laundry, and a pair of skinny jeans.
" Nothing " he mutters walking out of our flat. I follow behind him getting into the cab we called for a few minutes ago.
After a ten minute ride we paid for the ride and walked into the party. I don't remember who's party it was. Maybe one of Phil's friends. We walk in and head towards the beer. I grab one and walk away leaving Phil talking with his friends I sit down on a couch talking to a few people who I know. After an hour i manage to resist the urge to get another beer since I had decided to cut down on the alcohol. I am talking to someone from Uni when I feel the empty seat beside me sink. I turn my head to find Phil looking at me a beer in his hand.

Phil P.O.V

It wasn't my plan to drink too much but I need it. I need to get Dan out of my mind. Lately I've been thinking about him a lot. It's not the first time it's happened. It started when Dan moved in with me. I started to see him as something more than a friend but quickly got over it, or so I thought. It started again a few weeks ago when me and my girlfriend, Jessica, had a fight. I didn't tell Dan anything about the fight but its like he know something was wrong. He didn't even ask what was wrong he just sat next to me and offered to play video games with me. Half way through playing I had a total break down. I didn't cry I couldn't cry I was too angry
"Why the hell does she have to be so rude and conceded?!" I yelled throwing my controller to to the ground. Instead of trying to give me advise he let me go all apeshit on him. After that day the feelings I thought I had killed, slowly and painfully came back. I hate myself for allowing myself to have feeling for my best friend. I grab another beer from the cooler chugging it aching to forget Dan for a moment. It was impossible. The minute I closed my eyes I saw him. I sigh and look back to him sitting next to people chatting and having a good time. He really was beautiful with his soft brown eyes and smooth lips.
Stop it Phil! You have a girlfriend that you love
Do you really love her if you're thinking of Dan?
"Shut up"
It takes me a while to figure out I had said that out loud.
"You okay Phil?" Someone said.
"Yea of course just a bit tipsy" I give them a fake smile and walk over to Dan, letting my legs take control. I sit down on the empty seat next to him resting my arm behind him.
"Phil are you okay?" He whispers so quietly it takes me a bit to comprehend.
"Yea" I mutter
"How many drinks have you had?" He asks his brown eyes sad
"I don't know. Seven?" I say
"Damnit Phil we haven't even been here for long and you're already drunk!" He says.
"Calm down" I laugh. I dont know why I'm laughing but it feels good.
"We're going home" he says pulling out his phone to call a cab
"Nooooooo" I say trying to take his phone away but fail miserably. Instead I end up almost falling out of my seat
"Damnit Phil" Dan murmurs under his breath
"Now Dan you know it's rude to murmur." I giggle feeling the alcohol finally take a hold of my mind, not that it helped. I still thought of Dan. I found myself thinking about how it would be like to press my lips against his.
"Come on Phil" he says annoyed. I get up only to crash back into my seat. I laugh idiotically. Dan sighs dramatically helping me up and hold me so that I don't fall. His touch makes me flinch. It's so soft yet so strong. I think about how these arms would feel as I fall asleep with them wrapped around me.
"I can walk" I push Dan away wanting desperately to forget my feelings.
We wait a few minutes for the cab.
Twenty minutes later we are at our flat.
We're claiming the stairs, Dan helping me keep my balance even though I kept pushing him away.
"Phil please let me help you" Dan says his eyes looking down to mine. I couldn't help myself, I just couldn't. I let instinct take over and lean into him and press my lips against his. His lips are soft and it feels so right. I feel myself get even more dizzy. After a while Dan kisses me back but then stops suddenly. He pushes me away lightly. I pout
"Why'd you push me away?" I slurred.
"Phil you're drunk you don't know what you're doing" he says. I reach for his arm but he flinches away like my touch hurts him. I feel tears in my eyes
"Good night Dan" I whisper walking into my room falling onto my bed. I let a tear roll down my cheek
He didn't love me

Dan P.O.V

He kissed me. God it felt so right. His lips tasted like alcohol but they were soft and inviting. I kissed him back but I stopped. He was drunk, he didn't know what he was doing. He would regret this in the morning if he even remembered. The thought of the kiss hurts and when he tried to reach for my arm, oh god I couldn't do it I had to stop things before they got too far. I loved Phil more than just my best friend but I knew he didn't love me. He had a girlfriend for Christ sake! I go to my bed too lazy to put my pajamas on. I curl up under the sheets.
Tomorrow Phil was going to either forget about the kiss or remember it.
Part of me hopes he remembers it

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HEY GUYS SO I DECIDED TO upload this early since I have no life
So I hope you enjoyed it
Next chapter will be put up maybe before this week ends
Let me know of you liked it in the comments or just vote ^-^
If you didn't enjoy it ( :c ) then comment on what I could work on it would really help for future stories or chapters

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