Chapter 18 - Jacey

Start from the beginning

"I can still train after..." Standing up, my legs trembled. I always wanted to be his partner, to be beside him in this business that his dad started. It was what I always wanted. What we wanted.

"No! You didn't take me serious! You don't take this serious! This is our business!" His fist had come down on the table hard and full of more anger. "I expect this from Jacki! Not you! You work for me!"

"I see what I mean to you. I am nothing but a worker to you." Nodding, I walked past him and went up to my room. Curling onto my bed, I tucked the pillow tight to me as I just let the tears fall free. Picking up the phone, I called Sergei having him to pick it up on the first ring.

"Hey, how is my beautiful love doing?" In the background, I could hear the calling for the boarding of the plane and my heart sank. I hadn't known that he would be taking a trip. He didn't say anything about one.

"Are you at the airport?"

"I am, love. Nikolay is coming in."

Brushing away the tears, I tried to smile. Nikolay. Hell, I couldn't wait to see him. He was always good at picking on Sergei and making me laugh. "Give him a hug from me."

"I will... Love, is everything okay?"

"My mom figured it out and my dad is throwing a fit. It hurts that I made him that mad, Sergei. I mean... he is so upset."

"Listen to me. Of course they are upset. Let them be. They will come around. I do not work for the school anymore so I can properly meet him."

Gasping, I sat up quickly. He hadn't told me that he was quitting the teaching. That wasn't what I had wanted. "No, you didn't. You didn't quit, did you?"

"I did. It is the only way that I can be with you. I was not able to take the leave of absence without risking your future. I want you to graduate, love. I need you to. I can get the job back later if I chose. You are my life, love. If this is how it will be, then I am happy. I am more than happy."

What a mess I was in, one that I created. I should have just waited like he wanted. I should have agreed that we would start this relationship after I had graduated. But no, I had loved him too much to chance it. Now, we were having a child together and he had to quit his job to make sure that I had graduated. Now, I didn't have one and there would be no way that anyone would hire me knowing that I was pregnant already. "He told me that I could not have the partnership with him and that I don't take it serious."

"Love, this is not about a partnership or working for him. You are his daughter and he loves you. Just let him cool down and please, do not take this to heart. I know that it is hurting you, but please, just let them get past this shock and when he would like, I can meet him and show him that I love the world of you."

"And what if he doesn't?"

"Then, I will come and get you, and keep you all to myself. I will give you your dream of the horses farm and we will be happy. Please, just let this calm down. Do not take it to heart. We will get through this. I promise to you."

After talking awhile, I hung up the phone and curled under the covers. Placing my hand on my belly, I smiled even though it hurt like hell. He was so good to me. So very good and I knew that if my dad were to see that, he would like Sergei, he would be happy.

When I opened my eyes, the darkness was filling in the room and I could hear them downstairs. They still were upset, but that was understandable. Going to the bathroom, I cleaned up a little more before going down. Heading into the kitchen, my stomach rumble begging for food, something to eat. Opening the fridge, I smiled at the ham that was in there. That would do it. My mom made the most wonderful ham on Christmas every year.

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