Double trouble:

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"That's dads favorite place to go." I look at her to see her smiling still.

"It was." She whispers.

"How!?" I yell at her "how could you say that!? It is Dads favorite place to go, not was! You might have moved on, but I haven't!" I yelled pushing the plate onto the counter and storming up to my room.

I sit on the edge of my bed with my elbows on my knees and head in my hands. I close my eyes remembering the time me, mom, and dad went to Olive Garden for the last time.

"Cara, eat." Dad urges me.

"Why?" I ask, looking at him with sad eyes, he coughs roughly and blood comes onto his hand. "Here." I say standing up and rubbing a napkin over his weak hand.

After that i had to rush him to the hospital because he fainted. That's when everything happened.

I hear a knock on my door and I tell them to go away. Of course they didn't and opened my door.

"Did you call Cameron?" Tim asks me.

"Here you tell him." I say opening up my phone and calling him throwing it at Tim. I shove my door closed, hearing Tim sigh then speak. He slides my phone under the door.


I lay down, in fetal position, with my back to the door. It was quiet for a while when someone came into my room.

"Get your fat ass up, Cara." I hear Cameron. I turn around and he yanks my arm getting me to stand up.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him lightly, turning on my room lights.

"I'm going to have dinner with you and your family!" He says happily.

"Why?" I ask turning to get to my closet. I feel him grip my arm tightly making me look at him.

"Don't give me attitude baby." He says kissing me roughly. He pushes me down so I sit on my bed again, he spreads my legs apart and gets on top of me.

"Cara," I hear my mom "get dressed, were about to leave." Luckily she said that because Cameron got off of me.

I walk into my closet grabbing ripped jeans and a sweatshirt. I take off my clothes and quickly put on the ones I picked out. I walk out putting on my black and white converses.

"Come on." Cameron says impatiently.

"Okay." I Say and he grabs my hand, intertwining it. He half-way drags me down the stairs and I see Mom and Tim dressed nicely, probably because we haven't seen her side of the family in forever. Dads family doesn't like us anymore since mom found herself a boyfriend.


We walk out into the cold dark air and towards the car. Cameron surprisingly opens up my door, because of my short height and how high the car was off the ground I had to climb in and Cameron slapped my butt while I tried to.

"Nice." He mumbled, I mentally gagged and he got in next to me. He put his hand on my thigh and rubbed it.


Once we got to the restaurant we all went inside. We waited for a couple of minutes for everyone to come.

"Are you sure they're coming?" Cameron laughed and right when he said that everyone piled in sitting next to us. Uncle Garret sat next to me and Cameron pushed my chair closer to him. He put his arm around my waist, pushing my body close to his.

"Cara, we've all were worried about you!" Grandma says and I smile weakly.

"I'm fine." I say I look at Cameron and he smiles too and kisses my cheek.


After we've all had something to eat mom stands up.

"Me and Tim have double news!" She excitedly says. I turn my head to see Grayson sitting with the other cheerleader who beat me up. They were so close, their hands were together, the way he looked at her, and her in that skimpy dress. He looked at me and I turned away, ignoring the pain in my heart.

"Me and Tim..." mom smiles brightly "are expecting a Jr. and we're getting married!" I drop my glass cup and it shatters. Everyone in the whole restaurant looks at me. I scoot my chair out and start to run out of the restaurant.

I sit on a bench near by with my body shaking from how cold it was. I look up at the dark sky that is filled with bright stars and a brightly lit full moon.

"Don't worry Cara, I will always be right, here." He pointed to my chest.

Was the last thing Dad said to me.


I look at Ava with my hands in her hands.

"When are we going to tell people." She whines.

"We will." I say smiling at her, she comes closer to me and her boobs press up and push out of the dress.

Cara would never dress like this! I sat to myself.

I feel someone's eyes on me and I turn my head to see Cara. Sadness was filled in her eyes, they glistened in the light. She turned around and Ava grabbed my cheek, forcing me to look at her.

"Look-" she starts, but she couldn't finish with the sound of glass shattering. I look to the side to see Cara getting up and glass falling off of her. She had a cast around her wrist that went unnoticeable.

Cara ran out of the restaurant with everyone's eyes on her. I tried to get up but Ava gripped my hands tightly.

"Don't." She threatened "she's fine." She scoffed "it's our night." She smirks kissing me roughly. I look to my side to see Cameron just sitting there.


I sit there for a while when I feel the seat bend a little.

"What an act." Cameron chuckles. I so badly wanted to do something, but god knows what he would do. He puts his arm behind my shoulders and he bends down looking at me and I look up at me.

He pushes some of the strands of my hair to the sides of my face. He chuckles a little then presses his lips against mine roughly. He brushed his hand against the back of my neck tightly. In the kiss he bit down on my lip and I whimpered lightly causing him to smirk. I tried to end the kiss but he grabbed my jaw tightly.


"Hey, could Cara stay the night at my house?" Cameron asks my mom from the back of the car. I looked at Cameron, not wanting to go.

"Sure." Mom says quietly, clearly upset.

"No." Tim says sternly "we have to have a talk with Cara." He says and I sigh in relief.

We pull up to the house and we all get out.

"Goodbye Cameron." Mom and Tim both say walking into the house. Cameron swings his hands into my butt pocket.

"Why don't we fool around in my car a bit." He smirks.

"I have to go inside." I said taking his hands out of my pocket, relieving some of the uncomfortableness.

"Fine." He says like a child and kisses me going inside of his car and leaving. I watch his car disappear in the dark, I hesitantly walked back into the house seeing Mom and Tim sitting next to each other.

"Honey," mom says eyeing me to sit on the couch and I do. "I thought you'd be happy to have a baby brother or sister?" She asks.

"I didn't ask for any of this Mom." I say not looking at her. "But there's nothing I could change." I get up ignoring her yells for me to come back down.

I shut my door and plop onto my bed with a grunt. I look over my phone to see more people have texted me with vulgar words. And one text from Grayson...

'Me and Ava are dating, so we can't be friends no more.' At the sight of his text I want to break down and cry. How could he date a girl who's beaten me up!?

I throw my phone against the wall and this time I see the glass screen had cracked. I turned over on my side, thinking. Just thinking about how things could've been different, until I fell asleep.

Saving CaraOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz