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Unfortunately until now still no cure for withdrawal symptoms and hurt of cancellation but there's several ways to ease the pain :
1. Talk/share about the pain to fellow bl fans (they understand you the most and won't judge you or think you're a sinner :-|).
2. Watch bl movie/series marathon.
3. Read bl fanfic.
4. Read bl novel.
5. Read Yaoi manga.
6. Write your own fanfic (not only make yourself happy other people also happy + it counts as a good deed ^ω^).
7. Watch bl movie/series bts.
8. Watch and read bl cp interview.
9. Watch other show except bl (so it can distract you from the pain).
10. Read other story except bl (also useful as a distraction).
11. Do something you like or your hobby for get some calmness.
12. Going out to hang out or exercise to refresh your mind.
13. Just cry it out π_π

Author's note : It's better if the story that you watch/read/write already complete and have happy ending or at least fast update and happy ending guarantee otherwise you'll suffer more -_-||

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