Shaolin Tempo Tiger Fight (with Smexy)

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~After the eating of the Spaghetti Bolognese (because I'm a lazy poop). ~

"That Spaghetti Bolognese was excellent Mr. Slendy." I said ecstatically while smiling widely.

"I'm glad that you liked it Kitty. I'm surprised you weren't disgusted by our eating habits."

"Why would I be disgusted by your eating habits, mine are much worse."

All the Slender brothers looked at Kitty with utter confusion masking their unknown features, however I was off of my chair and bouncing around the room.

"Can I show you my Magic tricks now..."

I stopped bouncing around and held my hands behind my back while looking innocently towards the 5 brothers that were still seated. Smexy stood up immediately, grinned widely and teleported right behind me.

I felt Smexy touch my shoulder softly and that sent me into freak-out mode.

(Imagine this next part in slow motion, it looks and sounds better that way)

My mind went completely blank and I felt as if I weren't even within my own skin, although I knew I was. It was like an Oculus Rift, in which makes you feel as if you in the game, in which you aren't. (Yea, I grew up to be a bit of a Nerd, but that's for later). Shaolin Kempo, an Okinawan style of Karate was firmly set in my mind; Shaolin Kempo relies on the interpretation of the 5 Shaolin animals for its basic moves; Tiger, Crane, Leopard, Snake and Dragon. I had self-taught myself every single detail and movement of all animals, I however was still teaching myself so that I wouldn't mess up.

I ducked down so that Smexy's hand wasn't on my shoulder anymore, I snapped into the Tiger mindset. The Tiger was the only Shaolin animal whose nature did not significantly involve defense like the other animals. The Tiger was at the top of the food chain, the strongest and deadliest in the Kingdom. I relied on the Tiger for offensive moves. There was no holding back now.

I formed my hands as if I were squeezing imaginary tennis balls (nothing dirty) and launched myself towards Smexy. I dug my fingers into his bicep that was still held in the position where my shoulder used to be. The purpose of defending yourself is to act fast and swiftly, as to why I named myself Kitty Slade. I ripped at Smexy's muscle while striking the forearm on the same side. This technique was called the 'paw', ironic for someone named Kitty.

My next move Kempo Hands. I had once done this to an adult who was weaponed with a bat, it proved successful and didn't cause to much harm to me. I had timed myself within 5 seconds, but this time it felt a lot faster. A double palm heel blow to the side of Smexy's nearly faceless face, ripping downward along the cheek and collapsing onto his throat. I stepped under and inside his flailing arms to shoot an elbow upward into his abdomen, taking away his breathe. There were no wind ups, no wasted motion; each movement was designed to roll naturally onto the next movement.

Smexy's body jerked from one direction to the other, in rhythm with the attacks that I was handing him. Black blood splattered from his mouth which was agape. The place in where his eyes were supposed to be had what looked like crease lines.

The next move in this particular combination would get Smexy to the ground with just enough force. A finishing blow to the throat, also known as the 'Smashing Tiger.' With this last I move I perfectly impersonated a Tiger's growl, Smexy was on the ground with a shredded fedora and deeply scratched arm.

My seemingly unconscious state disintegrated and I could hear a resounding silence throughout the household. I felt bad and somewhat dizzy, my eyesight was hazy and the world seemed to be spinning. This would normally happen if I were to fight against someone non-human, which happened to be Smexy. I had to go outside and punch a tree or find a human to eat, honestly anything would do. I just didn't want to hurt any of the Slender Brother's, after all they had helped me out quite a lot and fed me too.

I stood up unevenly and stood as still as I could for around 15 seconds until the dizziness was at its lowest.

"I...I am so, so very sorry..."

I twitched slightly and turned to head out of the doorway, I started walking away until I felt someone's hand on my head.

Kitty Slade's Story (My Creepypasta OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt