House Guest

During the long 7 hour flight I stayed wide awake while my mom on the other hand, was sound asleep resting on my shoulder. It's currently around 9:00 in the morning according to London time, so it would be 4:00 A.M. in New York right now. After what felt like years we get off the plane safely and try to signal a taxi. We got lucky because we soon got a very generous taxi driver who took us to the bus station and after about 3 separate rides we made it to the house.

As we pull up I notice that the house is not glamorous, but cozy. It looks slightly cabin like and I already am in love with it. I've never been one for the whole luxurious lifestyle, but it was given to me at a very young age. Now that thats behind me though, I realize that I don't even mind.

I walk into the house thanking my mother because as I see it, I realize that she picked this house for me. The long wooden stair case leading up takes me to my room and bathroom while my mother's room is downstairs. What I am also very grateful for a separate room, office like with multiple book shelves surrounding it, fully stocked with some of the most greatest books of all time. I also noticed the balcony outside of my room which provides of a breathtaking view of the small town of Holmes Chapel.

I am surprised that my mother could even afford this and hope that she doesn't have to go over time at her new nurse job for her sake.

The next five days are a blur to me. I stick to the same schedule every day; wake up, eat, take a run and explore, read, eat, unpack, go to bed. Even though I don't feel very enthusiastic about school, I rather be their doing something and learning than the alternative, sitting around in my room.

But my boring days have come to an end; its now Sunday night and I can't sleep, my nerves creeping up upon me. Making me think about every single bad situation that can possibly happen. Although, I eventually tire myself out and fall asleep, a little later than I should've, but its fine.

For school I dress casually without looking to fancy or underdressed. With the cold weather, just a sweater,vans, and a pair of leggings. My old in New York was a private school, so we had a uniform, but at this school they just have a dress code.

I grab a granola bar for breakfast and head out since the walk is around 15 minutes. When I step out of the house I instantly feel the light breeze and smell the fresh air, something that you can't get in New York. I know where the school is by now because I would pass by it everyday on my runs from last week.

After a couple minutes of silently walking I decide to listen to some music, plugging in my phone. The music drowns out my thoughts leaving me to just look around observing the scenery once more. But not before a car speeds past me, carrying all the leaves with it, then landing on me of course. "Asshole!" I shout to the reckless driver.

The driver just gives me the finger in return and I sigh. I hope thats not what all the people around here are like. Although I got to give him, he has a really cool car. It either looks like an old Jeep or Ford.

I have about 5 minutes until I arrive to school and until then I listen to the soft tunes, humming and walking at a relatively fast pace. As I come up close to the school I realize its a lot bigger than how it looked from a distance. And a hell of a lot bigger than my old school. I suddenly take a deep breath and walk into the courtyard.

A few people turn to look, some talk and even one person pointed, but other than that I went pretty unnoticed. Which is a good thing for me. I went to the front building, assuming it was the office and I can get my schedule. And to my luck, it was.

"Hi, I'm Noora Prior. I'm new here and I'm looking for my schedule?" I say, but it sounds more like I'm asking. "Oh, yes Miss Prior your file is right," she sorts through a couple of papers, "here." She hands me a couple sheets of paper and I walk back into the courtyard thanking her before I left.

I walk around the school, and sift through a couple of forms until I come across my schedule. All my courses are the same from New York, which is good so I won't be too far ahead or behind.

My first period is Art and is in building 3-10. Public schools are so god damn big I wouldn't surprised if I missed the whole period just looking for the art room.

I feel like I look a mess! Holding all these papers while searching through these crowds of people. I probably look like a lost kid looking for their mom in the grocery store.

But in the midst of all of my searching I didn't even realize a very, I mean very, attractive guy was walking my way. Brown hair, jawline, perfect smile. "Hi, I saw you looked lost, you're new let me guess?" He arches a brow.

"Yeah.." I say awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck. "Well, where you headed to? I'll lead the way." He says showing that perfect smile that already has my stomach twisting.

I show him my schedule, and once he 'leads the way' I soon realize that my class was literally down the hall!

"Well here you are! Art is an easy ass class just saying, took it in freshman." He laughs, and I join him. "Well thank you so much, I didnt get your name...?" I say looking up slowly.

"You'll know my name soon enough." He winks and walks away leaving me jaw dropped.

Well at least I found my class.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2017 ⏰

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