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New Beginnings

"Anyone can see the fake smile you plaster on your face and think that you're truly carefree. The girls who are considered, 'too smart,' or 'too dumb,' all have things in common. They all surmise they have to become this particular person in order to please another. Maybe a family member, or a boyfriend. The 'jocks' and 'cheerleaders' are stereotyped just as much as the 'nerds.' Every place there is that one person who feels the need to constantly pry into other's lives and judge their every move. There's the misunderstood and the people who are too understood. There are so many people around us who we look at and judge, but little do we know what's going on behind someone's smile."

"Thank you, Eleanor, that was... interesting." Ms. Thompson tells me skeptically looking around the quiet room.

I sheepishly smile starting to walk back to my seat when Jonah stands up and gives a whole standing ovation. I try my best to conceal my laugh, but I fail hopelessly. Once I get back to my seat which felt like forever with all the wandering eyes on me, I turn around in my seat and hit Jonah across his arm.

"Jonah what the hell!" I mutter quietly half laughing. "So what Noora, you're moving to a different country and your probably never going to see any of these people again?" He sighs.

Jonah and I have been best friends since 1st grade when he moved across from my house, and we have been inseparable since. He is practically my only friend seeing that I don't get along with girls to well. I would like to have at least one friend who I can talk about my period with. But Jonah is probably the best friend I can ever ask for because we understand one another completely and can go to each other for basically anything.

It's going to be hard to leave him, but we already promised each other that we would talk at least once a week.

After about 2 more students give their presentation the bell rings and I'm almost out of the classroom when... "Eleanor can you sit down for a second please." There sits Ms.Thompson back in her perfect chair to go along with her perfectly organized desk. We both stare at each other for at least 10 seconds before she finally speaks. "Eleanor..." She speaks dragging the r in my name. "I would prefer Noora." I blankly state.

"Alright, Noora well as you being one of the brightest students in my class I am slightly concerned about your move."

"Ms. Thompson I assure you that I will be fine and can catch up on all of the work." Why is she asking me this if I already know it? "Well, thats not really why I'm concerned.." Oh god, here it comes. "Why the sudden move because if their's family problems I need to know about-"

"Ms. Thompson there is no particular reason to the move my mother and I just think it's best that we can go and live somewhere else for a bit before college starts." Lie.

"Okay, well I just was making sure, have a great time in England!" She smiles pretending like she actually cares. "I'm sure I will thanks!" I say with a big smile just a little too enthusiastic. Once I make my way out of the classroom my smile instantly drops. I stop by my locker one more time to grab the rest of my books, I then head out of the school.

"Thanks for waiting, your the best." I smile as Jonah slings an arm around me and we walk to his car. "Yeah, but what happened with you and Ms. Smiles and Rainbows in there?" I laugh at the comment and start to get into the passenger seat of the car. "You know just the usual, I'm concerned act." I sigh rolling my eyes.

"She never has a clue does she?"

"Nope," I shake my head Jonah pulling out of the parking lot.

As he turns out of the school I roll down the window sticking my head out getting the last look of my now 'old' school. A fresh start can be another way for me to make new friends, but I know myself, so I know that won't happen. Only certain people can take my sarcasm and not be offended, basically only Jonah, but I really don't mind. Accept that I'll be now over 4,000 miles away from him.

So, I've decided to be more open in order to try to make new friends. I have no problem with being alone I just don't want to disappoint my mom. I already feel that I have let her down enough times so why not make it up now?

Finally snapping out of my thoughts I look towards Jonah who is already staring back at me, concerned. "Are you ok?" Jonah asks seriously, but he's never serious. "Yeah I'm fine I'm just going to miss it here..." He raises a brow at me. "And of course you, you wanker." I roll my eyes laughing. "Hey look your already using British slang! Your ready don't worry." He says as we pull up to my house. We both get out and walk to the door.

Once I stop in front of the door, Jonah behind me, I see all the boxes through the door window. I sigh turning back to Jonah. We embrace each other in a tight hug not letting go. "Shit Jonah I'm going to miss you a lot," I say sadly still in his arms. "Yeah, Noora its going to be boring around here without you." My laugh vibrates from my head being laid on his chest. As we finally pull away he says, "Hey promise me you'll call at least once a week?" I nod my head. "If not I'll Facetime you," I say.

I turn the knob to the door walking inside then turn back to Jonah once more, his hands are in his pockets and he has a sympathetic, but sad smile on his face. I run up to him once more and throw my arms around him. "I couldn't leave without saying love you." I sigh once again my head against his chest. "Yeah, you'd totally have to fly back." He grins and we separate. "But, love you to Noora."

"So is this when we say goodbye?" I ask hoping it's not true. "Yeah... I guess it is, but I just want you to know if you ever need anything I'll be here alright?" He says.

"Roger that." I nod actually walking inside my house this time.

About an hour later it's starting to get dark out and I'm grabbing the rest of my things. "Noora you ready?" My mom comes in my room with her luggage's.

"Yeah..." I sigh.

I stare at the city on the way to the airport out of the taxi window, just thinking. "Alright, here you guys go." The taxi driver comes to a stop and we get out.

After going through all the airport security and all of that other nonsense we make it on the plane, me claiming the window seat. As were sitting I take one last look at the city seeing the towers behind it and all of its wonders.   

My mom puts her hand on my shoulder trying to soothe me, "you know this is for the best right?" She says while I just nod looking out the window hoping that it is.

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