Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Christine heard Adam's sweet soft voice calling her. She forced herself to tear her eyes away from his blue ones. She noticed how his hair fell across his forehead and how his eyebrows relaxed when she looked up. Christine pressed her body against the wall and hid her face. There was no possible way that this man would love a mentally challenged girl like her. She heard Adam shift his weight as he sat down behind her. She wished she could free her arms and crawl away but her arms were strapped to her sides, making her even more humiliated in front of Adam. This man had been in her head constantly, softly singing, calling to her. Her hair was a mess, knotted and tangled, handing in front of her face. Christine's face was streaked with tears and she felt her wrists throb beneath the bandages. She felt the atmosphere in the room change from tense to a waiting stage. He was waiting for Christine to turn around. She heard him sigh softly and she resented herself for turning away from him. Adam got up and opened the door quietly, trying not to scare Christine.

'Well there goes my chance of ever becoming something to Adam.' Christine thought, mentally beating herself up for ruining her chances. Minutes later two nurses entered the room and roughly unlocked her jacket, pulling her out of it. They pushed her to the floor and shut the door behind them. Christine began to sob silently again. She hated the feeling of being abandoned. She thought she was alone in the room until she heard a soft cough coming from the opposite side of the room. She jumped, cringing at the sudden noise.

"I'm sorry." Adam said gently, hoping he didn't scare the girl too much. She hugged her shoulders and sat facing away from Adam, making sure she hid her face. She was ashamed to be in this state in front of the seemingly perfect man. Adam got up from the chair he was in and slowly made his way to the corner. He knelt arm's length away from Christine and looked at the sobbing girl.

"I thought you might be more comfortable without the straight jacket." Adam said, offering a kind smile. Christine's lips trembled as the drops rolled down her cheeks. He felt the sudden urge to protect this girl from the world they live in, to make sure she was safe, but Adam didn't think she would appreciate it.

"I heard you draw." Adam said, bending his head over, trying to get a good look at Christine. Her eyes darted to the table behind Adam. He turned around and craned his neck to see the top of the table. He saw a sketch pad and he gingerly picked it up and set in front of Christine, right some facing him.

"Will you show me?" He asked, running his fingertips over the rough cardboard binding of the sketchbook. Christine's reaction to Adam seemed delayed, as if she was not listening. She rubbed her eyes and shivered, rubbing her bare arms.

'He seems kind...' Christine thought, tucking her legs underneath herself. Adam waited patiently for Christine to do something. He wanted to know why she was like this, and if it was because of him. Christine shakily reached out, hesitated, then rested her small hand on the edge of the book. She was nervous what he would think about her drawings and her hand shook as she pulled the cover back. There, on the first page was a drawing of Adam with his black hair and blue eyes, and it was so well sketched that Adam first thought it was a photograph.

"You drew that?" Adam asked softly, astonished at the likeness of the picture compared to him. Adam leaned forward, taking a better look at it. The detail was amazing for a drawing of that size. She even captured the sparkle in his eyes when he smiled and the way his necklace hung from the collar of his shirt. Christine looked down and tried to make herself invisible.

'He probably thinks I'm a creep...' She thought, wanting to start crying even more.

"This is amazing, Christine." He said, looking up at the mess of a girl in front of him. He wanted to tell her that it would be okay, that she didn't need to hurt herself.

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