Particularly this is a Prologue

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Harold Drei Miyabushi is a well  made guy.

With his dazzling dark eyes, neat brown hair, cherry-colored lips and hot physique. No woman could deny that he is indeed worthy to be a Philippine's most eligible 21 year old bachelor. Not to mention that he is also a genius. At the age of 19 he graduated as cum laude with a degree in Bachelor of Science in Chemistry. Also there's the fact that he is a heir to a multi-million company. Couldn't he be less perfect?*Drools*

Yes, he is indeed the perfect catch, well...sort of..

Because behind this perfectness lies a secret only to be known by a certain girl... Well maybe just not a certain girl, more like a demon disguising itself as a girl...

This girl's name is... Zxyd Uie Park, a 19 year girl who is solely dedicated in being a pain in the ass, sadistic and whole heartedly evil creature.a  Believe me when I say that looks aren't half of it.

With this two characters a secret is kept(or would it be kept?).

And with this two characters will love begin(Or will it be just a story where they kill each other?)

Hmm. Well, you'll have to tune in if you want to know what this is all about.
Genre:Romance-Comedy(or is it?😝)
Language: Filipino-English(Japanese, at times. Korean, when I can manage haha)
Target Chapters: 40( Bcoz Life starts at forty😋)
Harold Drei Miyabushi(1/8 Filipino, the rest is Japanese. Yup, not getting good at fractions)
Zxyde Uie Park(1/8 Korean, the rest is Filipino. I'm not good at fractions so you get the point.😂)Pr:Sid Yuwi.

More characters to come!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2018 ⏰

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