Chapter 1

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I layed on my bed reading my favourite book called time between us. I mean in not a big fan of romance but it is a really good book and sweet. I smiled as i read the next chapter then I heard my dad call. Oh yes. Today I'm going USU, a campus, like a kind of place where you can study, check out different classes, its just there to help you since I'm having difficulty coping with my concentration since my mother died, so its not a university by the way, or a collage. More like another school where you learn and take part in things you want. And that's where my mom met my dad and then after a while had me before she passed away. I grabbed my bags and headed downstairs. "Morning dad,"I smiled. "Morning kiddo. Ready for your first day on the campus?"my dad smiled. "Yeah I am. But I'm nervous that I'm gonna have a roommate though, do you know they even put guys as your roommate,"I said. "I know. That's why I want you to take this with you," my dad said giving me a tazer. I laughed. "I'm definitely going to need this. Thanks dad,"I smirked as he gave me a quick hug kissing my forehead and helped me with my bags. We got in my dads car as I looked one more time at my house. Then we drove.
We finally got to the campus. It was beautiful and next to the beach. "Dad I know. Room 6. I got it. Love you. Ill call you,"I hugged him. "I know its just you are all grown up. Into a beautiful mature woman, I love you pumpkin, "my dad hugged me tight. "I love you too," I smiled hugging him then waved as he left with the car. I looked around and saw more students that applied. "Lost?"A girl came to me with a big smile. "Yes. I'm looking for room 6?"I asked. "Oh. Yikes room 6,"she said as I followed next to her. "Whats wrong with it?"I asked. "Oh nothing much. Just a whole lot of negativity in there. That's all,I'm Emily by the way. My cousin is your roommate, there's the room. Good luck and ignore him,and ill see you around campus, "She smiled and left before I could ask any more questions. I went up the stairs as I walked towards the door, I saw it had a nice view of the beach, it was almost sunset. I opened it and saw the dark looking room as I threw my bags on the open bed then I heard a groggily voice behind me like someone just woke up. "Who the hell are you?!" I jumped in fright and slipped and fell onto the bed.

The guy(POV)
I saw some girl walking into my dorm dropping her bags on the empty bed. I really hate having roommates. I like using there weaknesses against them and eventually they leave. I don't know why they sent me from a mental institute to this place just because I'm a cutter and I have bad anger issues. But, I've only hurt certain people that gets in my last nerve. Self harm is the only way to stop me from hurting others, I hate hurting people but a part of me enjoys it. A lot. And this girl, due to her shyness and clumsiness, this is gonna be too easy to get her to leave. I chuckled. And due to how jumpy she is, its gonna be fun to scare her too. I saw her sit up straight. She played with the sleeve of her shirt nervously, she is making this way to easy. "my father sent me here since I have a lack of concentration,"she said pushing a strand of her dark brown hair behind her ear. "Oh really? How come?"I asked. She hesitated and stood up to unpack. "I asked you a question,"I said growing impatient. She can't ignore me, I won't let her.

Jane's (POV)
I looked away carrying on to unpack then he said in a impatient tone " I asked you a question." I folded my clothes as packed it in the closet next to me then I felt a presence behind me. I gasped as he grabbed my arms, his ice cold hands resembled his cold look in his eyes, his shocking blue eyes. "I asked you a question. Answer it,"he said. "Let me go or I swear to god I will taze the living daylights outta you, "I said. He laughed. I'm sorry to disappoint princess but it doesn't have an effect on me, its useless, just like you are," he said then his grin disappeared as he looked into my eyes, looking like he got lost in it. I kicked him as hard as I can as he groaned in pain.

The guy(POV)
I'm not going to allow her to ignore me like that. I stood up and grabbed her by her arms as she gasped. After I said the last word I saw something in her eyes, something weird that gave me a strange feeling. Then she kicked me as pain shot through my leg, as it grew weak as I fell to the ground. I groaned in pain. She then walked and grabbed he taser. "If you do that again I seriously will, " I said.
Jane's (POV)
I held the tazer than he laughed like a maniac. He stood up rubbing his thigh. "Alright. Fine. Whatever,"he said sitting back down on his bed taking his phone. I sighed relieved that I didn't have to use it on someone. When I was finished packing I looked at the emo looking dude, he was already looking and watching me intently then suddenly looked irritated as he turned on his side, back toward me.

The guy(POV)
Why am I so defenceless. I've never been so silent. I've always had a come back. Maybe because she has a tazer, now honestly being shocked with that is not the best feeling in the world. I tried to keep myself occupied to not stare but I looked at her, watching her every move. As creepy as that sounds, I'm trying to figure her out. Relax. she looked at me. Urg, she's so annoying, everything about her is strange than the other roommates I had. And, not because she has a taser or bad karate skills, no. Something else. But I don't want to figure it out because I feel weak just thinking about it. I turned, my back facing her. So I don't have to look at her. This will help I hope. Now I'm stuck with her for who knows how long. Guess its time for plan B, be weird as hell.

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