"Well, what do you say we go on a date tonight? You and me. I'll tell you all about it."


"Really? A-a date...um sure, sounds fun." Crap. I've never been on a date either. I have a lot of researching to do today.


"Great!" He looked at his watch, "We'd better get going." I smiled and nodded. Suddenly he grabbed my hand and started walking. Oh god. This, touchy feeling again. My stomach is feeling all weird again. My face feels warmer and my heart was throbbing again. Did I actually love him? Or was this merely just a feeling? Did I just like him? He obviously loves me, heck, he even said we were mates. But do I actually love him back? I feel like I do, but I've never experienced love so I can't really tell...


"Where do ya wanna go?" I snapped back into reality,


"Um, anywhere actually, up to you." He smiled warmly and we continued walking down to the school. Choosing a nice dating spot might be hard, but dang. As soon as I walk into the school, that's going to be a whole new level. To be honest, I was scared. I was scared that people would hurt him. I could care less if people hated me, I'm used to that, but Allen? No, he didn't deserve it. He really didn't. I took a deep breath as we reached the front doors. He glanced down at me, and in his concerned voice asked,


"You ok? Ly, you look pale."


I forced a smile, "I-I'm fine, lets go." I walked but there was a tug on my arm. I looked back and looked up at him. Ok, he definitely looked worried. I forced another smile, something I perfected at.


"Yeah, I'm fine, why?" I didn't want him knowing that I was scared of the things people would do to him.


"Ly, something's definitely up, your heart rate increased." How did he know that? Did he notice the other times my heart felt like exploding? Maybe his werewolf abilities?


"I-I'm fine Allen, let's go in." He stopped me from walking. He pulled me into his arms and wrapped his arm around me,


"You know you can tell me anything, so don't hide your emotions, especially not in front of me." Oh crap. This feeling again. What was wrong with me? I've never experienced anything like this but my body seems to react like it does. I looked up at him surprised, we can't walk into the school with his arm around me! People will talk about him! Half of my body wanted me to push him off, but the other half seemed to enjoy it. Like it wanted to find out what would happen. He smiled and we both walked in. Everyone was doing their own thing, but as soon as we entered, they slowly stopped their tracks and stared. I looked away embarrassed. Allen leaned in and whispered,


"Hey, don't be shy, be confident like the girl I know you are" I looked at him nervously. Trust me, I wanted to. I wanted to lift my head up high, but I don't have the courage to. Every time I wanted to stand up for myself, people just pushed me down farther. People destroyed my pride, moral, reputation to the point, it doesn't exist anymore. It never did. I looked up at him and smiled, a real one this time,


"Ok. I got this" I looked ahead. My head was up, but it seemed unnatural. I was used to making my way through the halls with my head down. So no one could bother me, so I was in no ones way.


"Good, now don't worry, I'm here, I always will be." Those words echoed through my head, over and over again. It rung a bell in my head. I could swear I heard those words spoken to me before, just like that. The way his voice used different tones to express the words, "I'm here, I always will be..." I shook my head.


"T-thanks Allen." I needed him now. Not for my protection, but I did have feelings for him. I did care about him. I do love him. He might be my mate, but most importantly, my friend. And I know we will be there for each other. I just had to stand up tall, lift my head up high, and dive into the wall that held me back from my happiness. It was time I stood up for myself. It was time.



Sorry if this chapter sucked v.v I'm not a pro ya know! Anyhoot, I've been thinking about things lately as I was writing this chapter. Many emotional things that have to go with friends BUT! Prepare yourselves! Chapter seven is finally gonna reveal some werewolves! I know I haven't had them appear yet, but thats because I wanted y'all to know the characters first. Sorry about the wait. Anyways, BRACE YOSELVES FOR CH. 7!

Werewolves?!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن