Chapter No.2

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Chapter No.2

You're a teaser, you turn 'em on
Leave them burning and then you're gone
Looking out for another, anyone will do
You're in the mood for a dance
And when you get the chance...

- Abba -

Marty took a sip of beer and relaxed. The patrons at Space Port Alpha's bar, better known as The Black Hole, were more subdued than usual. Some of them were scheduled to ship out on the X-5001 for the greatest human journey of all time. Talk about your trip into the unknown. Nobody had a clue as to what might happen if they encountered the Dragon home world, and most didn't really want to know.

"So, what's with this strange alien you found in the Large Magellanic Cloud?" George asked. "I heard that it has two faces."

"You heard right. She's another pseudo-human species with a bizarre twist."

"Is she from a matriarchal society?" Tyler asked.

"I don't believe so, but we didn't hang around to make contact with them."

"You mean that you just snatched the alien and left?" Karl said.

"Hey, it wasn't my decision. Angie wanted to rescue her and she decided to bring her back with us. What could I do?"

"Well, all I can say is that she's the talk of the place," George said. "They're calling her the two-faced alien."

"I've named her Harvey," Marty said.

"Why Harvey?" George asked.

"That's the character in Batman that was called Two-Face. His name was Harvey Dent, District Attorney of Gotham City. He was disfigured with acid by . . ."

"You read a lot of comic books when you were young, I take it?" George said.

"Hey, it's what a lot of kids did in Iowa."

"Watch it, guys. Here comes the black widow," Karl said.

"Good evening, Admiral, " Marty said.

"Gentlemen," she said, nodding.

She was decked out in a white uniform that used a short skirt instead of pants. Very nice, Marty thought. He liked ogling her legs. They were as shapely as he had ever seen on any woman.

"I want you to help discipline the aliens," she said to Marty. "Come down to Gym C-5 on Deck four in about twenty minutes."

"I'll be there, Admiral."


Marty watched her provocative departure. "She sure has a great stern section."

"I wonder what she meant by discipline the aliens," George said.

"Who the hell knows," Marty said. "I don't question her anymore. She's operating on her own wavelength."

"Are you two having problems again?" Tyler asked.

"Nope. She tells me what to do and I do it." He drank up and got up. "Hold my place. I'm sure that I'll want more when I get back."

Marty rode an elevator to Deck four and walked past several private gym chambers before he got to C-5. When he entered, he found all of the female aliens assembled in neat lines. The only conspicuous absence was Harvey. Honey, Birdie, Rosie, Masai, Gem-Ado, Jet-Lee and Moto stood alongside Angie, and the first thing that she did when she saw Marty was gesture to them.

"I've increased their ranks to Lieutenant Commander. They will be authorized to take command if necessary. All of the science compliment has that authority."

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