"Because I'm erreybody brotha, until they cross me."

Hermano offered the lit blunt to Zayn, but he declined. Someone had to drive.

"Man, don't sweat it. Kam will come around. Maybe Seandrea will talk some sense into her." Hermano said rolling down the window.

"Hopefully. But aye you got some spray to hide the smell? You really hotboxing my car right now." Zayn said.

Hermano shook his head & opened the window a little bit.

Zayn sighed & started to drive to wherever he felt like.

He really hopes Kamari can see where he's coming from, it felt weird not hanging around her.

* * * * *

Kamari was getting ready for her meet up with Adriano. She was very nervous about what the outcome could be for this.

Did she really want to be with Adriano? Or did she just want closure?

Maybe I just feel lonely, and want attention. She thought to herself.

Nonetheless, she was going to meet up with Adriano at the mall.

She didn't know what to wear. She didn't want to dress too nice because then he'll think she's trying to hard to show him what he lost, but she also didn't want to dress bummy so then he'll think he got her in the dumps like that.

"Why do I over analyze things?" Kamari thought to herself.

She got over her self-scrutiny and got dressed in a white wind-breaker, and faded black ripped jeans. She did her makeup per usual and put a choker on and was ready to go.

When she was about to leave, her father stopped her

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

When she was about to leave, her father stopped her. She then remembered they were supposed to have a talk when she came home the other day. They both seemed to have forgotten though.

"Kam, we need to have a quick chat." He said sternly.

"I have to go meet up with someone, dad, it's very urgent and important-"

"Okay, it's not going to take long. It's just this whole popping in and out the house isn't the move. Your mother and I want you to be more in touch with us.

I'm going to leave this convo at that but when your mother gets home, that's when we're really going to talk."

Kamari's parents are always busy, hence why she's never really at home. But she agreed to herself that she should stay home a bit.

"Okay dad, I'll see you later." She kissed her dad on the cheek and went towards the door. When she looked back she can see pain in his eyes.

°Unknowingly Besotted° [z.m]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن