meeting Jack

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Jack Dawson is a proud American. A person who is willing to do anything for his country.
When he was called on stage infront of the whole country to be this years trial child represenative for America, he panicked.
His normal easygoing personal completely gone.
"WHAT!" He screamed as others cheered in celebration that it wasn't them.
"No, please don't take my baby away from me! Please i'm begging you!" My mother screams at the people who grabbed me.
  "Sorry, but he is the choosen child for America. Unless their is another child who is willing to take his place instead, he must go," the guard said back.
Nobody said anything. Nobody volunteered.  Nobody moved. The cheering and celebrating had stopped.
  "Nobody has volunteered, therefore the boy must go,"the guard sooke once more.
  I am a goner. I am going to die.
  Who will save me now?

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