Stupid First Impressions - Part 23

Start from the beginning

Then the boys disappeared, dragging Geoffrey with them. I guess that meant I’d be seeing him at the party then but I wasn’t sure. The girls talked animatedly about outfits and whether it would be slutty to wear skirts in this weather. Jessie firmly believed it was whereas Alex was more forgiving and thought that it could be tasteful – if you did it right. And anyway, what was the point in going to a party if you weren’t going to let loose a little?

“Ok, so what about this one?” I said, stepping out of the closet in a hot pink low cut top and super-black skinny jeans. These were coupled with a pair of hot pink converse with black laces and a black leather jacket.

“Mmm, I think the jeans are a little short on you,” Alex mused, tugging on the ankle hems. “I didn’t think your legs would be longer than Louise’s. Turns out you’ve got a killer figure hiding under those baggy jeans and t-shirts. Who knew?”

“I don’t know about killer,” I mumbled, worried that the jeans were a little revealing. “Maybe a skirt then?”

“Ooh, now you’re talking! Here, put this one on and throw these knee high socks with it. And hurry up!”

I stripped out of the jeans as quickly as I could. Alex still had to do my make-up and I was beginning to remember why I didn’t go to parties. Gemma always made me dress up in a ridiculous outfit that made her look better and me like I had dressed in the dark. Clothes just didn’t look right on me. The skirt was a little – ok a lot – shorter than my usual knee length ones but even I had to admit it looked pretty badass. With the knee high socks and pink converse, the outfit looked hot and I took a double take in the mirror.

“I don’t…really look like me,” I said as I stepped out of the closet. Alex turned around and her jaw dropped. “I know, I should just put my jeans back on, right?”

“Oh, hell no, you get your ass in here. Louise, Jessie! You have to see this!” I went pink as they stepped into the room and whistled appreciatively. “Right? When we do her make-up, she is going to be the hottest girl at this party. Geoff is going to flip his nut.”

“I-is that bad?” I stammered, looking at each of them in turn, concerned. “I should get changed, it’s not really my kind of outfit.”

“Nuh-uh, you stay exactly the way you are,” Louise demanded, grabbing her phone and snapping a couple of pictures. “I want to preserve this for the rest of your life. Alex is right – nobody is going to be able to take their eyes off of you.”

*           *           *

I stood behind the other girls as we walked up to the party, my shyness getting the better of me. I didn’t want to be noticed, not really. But it was kind of nice that they kept telling me that I looked amazing and that boys were going to ‘lose their shit’ for me (Jessie’s words, not mine). The boys were standing outside Sabrina’s house and Geoffrey had taken the time to clean up and change into a really rude t-shirt with an actual shirt over the top. And he had changed into what must have been the holiest jeans in the world because I could see both of his knees.

“Well boys, are you ready to meet the new and improved Amy?” Alex announced, winking at me. “Be warned, I hear there’s this super jealous guy that’s into her so you’ll have to be careful if you want a piece.” The girls stepped aside so I could see everyone. Geoffrey, who had been standing up to get a better view, – and maybe shoot death glares at anyone who looked at anyone who looked at me funny – lost his footing as he stared at me and fell on his ass in front of the wall he’d been sitting on. “Well, I’d say we have a winner,” Alex whispered to me, grinning devilishly.

I hung back as everyone surged into the party, waiting for Geoffrey. He was still staring at me with an open mouth, his eyes extremely wide. I waited for a moment, expecting him to say something, but whenever he closed his mouth, he swallowed and then it just dropped open again. After two or three attempts and no results I became a little concerned.

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