~ chapter three: the race against time ~

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  I grab my McDonalds, and I start running at Sonic speed. I swear I started to grow little blue spikes that's how fast I was going. I forgot where the rally was, so I went to Siri to get some help. I open my phone and ask : "Siri, where is the Donald Trump rally in Michigan?". Siri replies with : "Let me check..... It's 10 miles away from your location at 8742 BLVD Disney ST." I say thank you to Siri in my head, since she's a robot.

 I begin to run at Sonic speed again, and in 5 minutes, I get to the rally. I go up to the gate and a police guard stops me. "Where's your ticket, sir?" he says to me. Ticket? I didn't know that we needed tickets! I thought it was free admission! "Um, I don't have a ticket.." I reply. "Well, if you don't have a ticket I'm afraid you can't come in." he says. I don't listen to anybody if it's for Donald! I run past the security guard, and I'm in the building. He does nothing to stop me. Must've been a hard day for him.

 I find an empty seat, and I sit down comfortably. I wait about 30 minutes, and then Donald comes out. He looks amazing. His blue tuxedo, and a red tie. His blonde hair flowing in the wind, like some little kid when they lose their cotton candy at the fair. Everyone starts cheering, but I know I'm the loudest in the crowd. For sure. I scream "LOVE ME DONALD!" at the top of my lungs. He didn't hear me of course. He goes on with his speech, but I don't listen to the words. Just his soothing voice.

 About two hours pass and he's done. "Thank you everybody!" he says, and then he starts walking out. I must get to him, before it's too late! I start dashing through the crowd, running to Donald. But then I suddenly black out..  

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