~ chapter one: the rally ~

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  Donald is up on the podium, making beautiful poetry like sentences with his words. "I will build a great wall – and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me – and I'll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words." He says, with a delicate, soft but rough voice.

 Everyone in the crowd is cheering for Donald, and it's a beautiful sight to see. Donald continues talking, and I decide I should record with my smart phone. My phone is on 10%, but I don't care. I'll do anything for Donald. I open up the camera app, and I start to record. "Go Donald!!" I shout at him. 

Donald seems to notice me. He looked straight at me with his green-blue eyes. I start shaking with excitement, and some fear. "You see that man? That white man, in the crowd?" He says, pointing at me. "That's a good man, great man even! Everyone, cheer for him." I start crying with joy, but not on the outside, on the inside. Everyone starts cheering me on, chanting 'Taylor! Taylor!' like I was Jerry Springer. Everyone stops cheering eventually, and Donald goes back to his speech.

 His orange tan shines in the sunlight, like water. I hear some sort of beeping sound, a loud beeping sound. I suddenly black out. But then I wake up, in my bed. It was all a dream. I decide to wake up anyway, since it was already 8:00 AM.

 I get up and get dressed in my Donald Trump t-shirt, with black jeans. Today was the day that Donald was coming here, to Michigan! I get my Donald Trump hat on, and get ready for the day. I eat Donald Flakes -- Donald's cereal, of course. -- and my mouth starts watering. They taste like a burning tire, but I don't care. I want more, and more. I end up eating half the box. "Oops." I say to myself, not guilty at all. I go into my room, to kiss my Donald Trump shrine goodbye, and then I go to my car.  

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