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Ginny's POV

I don't deserve Blaise, he asked me when we were going to get married and I yelled at him. I felt so stupid. We were laying on my bed

that night and out of the blue he asked me when! "What do you mean when you haven't even asked me if I wanted to marry you!" I said

calmly. "Well I didn't think i needed to, I just assumed that we were because of the whole bonded thing." He said nonchalantly

We sat a few moments in silence and then again he asked, "so when?" "You get your stupid arse out of my room before i hex you!

You expect me to just marry you! Did you know that a girl DREAMS about being proposed to?" I cried. "Ginny, honey i'm sorry

I didn't mean to upset you," he said into my hair. "I love you so here we go," he pulled a ring out of his pocket and asked me with

tears in his eyes. I didn't even reply, I just kissed him. Our wedding is in two days, we decided to get it over with because of the whole

pain thing, I couldn't help but smile.

HULLO all my bookworms, this whole book writing thing is pretty hard and so i kinda skipped through all of fall and winter and at the

moments it's springishy and so i think i will write about the graduation, do the weddings and i'm going to get harry a girl, I'm going to

go ahead and start some families like give them kids and stuff and so sorry if this disappoints anyone but they are just going to

magically get pregnant I AM NOT going into how it happened kapeesh! anywho I hope you guys like my story and i would really

be open to ideas, i may not use them....but i am open to them, thank you all for reading but my cookies are waiting, remember

suggestions, votes, comments, and lets end this story with a KABOOMSHNITSLBING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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