||•• Chapter 21 ••||

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Sorry if i didn't update i know its friday my rest day but i wanna make a Chapter cause its been so {Not really} long.

Sneak peek On My Profile;;

"WhO sAiD iT wAs A cAmErA¿"

Kiro Siichi's Pov.
°°11:01 am°°

I laughed at their stupidity, they tried so hard but failed miserably! Oh, pain is so majestic. Seeing blood, anger, sadness,  mixed up with one word. Pain. You already know im a masochist, so no need to over-react your reaction. Its pointless to point fingers of who's bad or not. Being the 'hero' of the story, oh no~ This story is never like that, fairy tale with happy endings. Tch, thats pathetic. This story is madness and chaos, not just some fairy tale with a princess and Shit no. This is the kind of story where brutality is shown, Blood Lust, Sadness, and of course... Pain... Shown to everyone and whoever you are. {YOU BROKE THE FOURTH WALL YOU SHIT BAG!
"Sir, No. 2.5 might be caught cause of his suspicious actions." "Your right, let him come here quickly as possible. He didn't get to come back yesterday, we need him back. NOW." I said, as my assistant nodded calling No. 2.5.

~~Time Skip~~

I heard the metal door creak open, seeing him. "Welcome back, No.2.5 have any new information. I know we had a camera with you, but it sometimes crashes, so please explain." "They switched bodies sir." "Hm?" "Remember when you saw them waking up weirdly acting Out of Character." "Yes." "Thats where it all started. Your camera probably crashed cause you didn't know what happened earlier that day, Choromatsu was the person who time traveled after all. Same with Ichimatsu, they almost Time traveled at the same time so thats how they remember." "Oh? So their the people who time traveled huh? How pathetic.  What may be the reason for it? I didn't get to see because of that stupid camera with you."

"I heard that Choromatsu wanted Osomatsu-niisan to smile again, or technically not having a sickness something like that. Sorry if its complicated, i didn't know what happened before he time traveled sir. {No.2.5 Did know choro and ichi timetraveled cause kiro mentioned someone time traveled.}"

"Its fine, what about the other one?"

"Ichi? I didn't get any information about it sorry sir."

"Its ok, No. 2.5 thank you for your information. But you may call me Kiro instead."

"And you may call me....


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