Prince Tag

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I was tagged by the absolutely amazing QueenOfDisco and who doesn't like to pop off about their fav Prince shit so... yay!!!

1. What age did you discover Prince?

I grew up basically with MTV being my babysitter. I will never forget watching the video to Little Red Corvette for the first time when I was so damn young, that sparkly purple coat, his curled perfection and just being amazed by the way he moved. Prince used to date all my Barbies they had very complicated relationships... should have known from a very young age that I would grow my ass up to write Prince fanfiction, ha.

I was like around 3 when Batman came out, it was a huge thing in my house, and I was mad as hell when I found out Prince wasn't even in that movie. Them videos were false advertising, and to this day I am still convinced he is in that movie somewhere.

2. Favorite Song?

Damn... this one is so hard. They rotate like I get stuck on a song forever, I don't know if I can pick one. Since my younger days, 7 has been one of favorites. The lyrics and the story of a transcendental love are beautiful... and it's my favorite number. Anna Stesia, 17 Days, All Day All Night, Come Elektra Tuesday, Turn It Up, When You Were Mine, Dreamin' About U, One Nite Alone, Count the Days, Rebirth of the Flesh, are some of my absolute favs, I can basically listen to them on continual repeat. And though it isn't a favorite song... the guitar solo from Purple Rain always brings a tear to my eye, it never fails. I once read a quote that said 'It isn't a guitar, it's a heart with 6 strings' and I deeply believe this.

But my favorite songs aren't just Prince performed gotta throw some love to those babies he wrote stuff for too. Dance Electric, Anything... and I mean ANYTHING from the Time, Sister Fate and A Love Bizarre.

3. Favorite Video?

I Wish U Heaven (Lalalala), America (That Ass!!), Kiss (The gothic imagery is hauntingly romantic... also not gonna lie when I was little always pretended that was my ass under the veil dancing with Prince), Partyman (His campy facial expressions are too lovely) and the extended Thieves Video... the dancing continues and it's magic. Especially when he spray paints Aura's name on the wall and proceeds to hump it... ha.

4. Favorite Movie?

Sign O' the Times... I can count it right... I mean it had a theatrical release. This movie is beyond amazing. The performances, the production, the set design, it has everything that every live concert should have and more. Boni throwing rose petals in slow motion during the Cross is perfection. If you haven't seen it go to Amazon and buy it... it's like 15 bucks for the blu-ray and it will change your life. *steps off soapbox* (Yes, it's a bootleg, Shhhhh...)

After SOTT is Under the Cherry Moon, that movie is classic, so quotable it isn't even funny, and my future husband Jerome Benton. Also the cinematography and wardrobe floors me. Trying to convince non-Prince fans of its brilliance is a task all of its own though, LOL.

5. Can You Dance Like Prince? I will totally kill myself. Though I have tried the Detroit Crawl... and lived to tell the tale.

6. Apollonia, Shelia, Or Mayte?

Can I say Cat and Jill Jones... I mean they all fierce biches, but Cat and J.J. are my favs. Plus Boni, man that chick could blow and it was so sad she left this world far too soon for her beautiful soul.

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