Family Reunion?

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Aris heard the sounds of battles from the bridge that was being built she ran at full speed to get there(she's almost as fast as Lee, but she faster at flying). That wasn't fast enough so she used her red wings that she could grow out of her back or just fold them back with magic. She was grateful she discovered these wings when she protected Gaara.
Kit, you think Gato is involved again? Aris scowled.
Whenever the land of Waves is involved, yeah he is. I see that little bastard, he's dead. Aris growled.
She flew full speed to get the the bridge. Yep, Zabuza and Haku, must be working for Gato, the idiots. Damn it! I was hoping they wouldn't get involved! Aris thought. Leaf Shinobi were down there though. The jounin, who she knew as Kakashi Hakate, was fighting of Zabuza. A girl genin with pink hair was guarding the bridge builder, not entirely useless. Another girl with long black hair, another jinchuriki like her.The girl along with two boys, also genin, are fighting Haku. Wait, she knew that girl, Kai. Aris and her were best friends, especially with Zabuza and Haku. Shit they're​ caught in his ice mirror jutsu, this is gonna be hell. Aris groaned mentally. Only Aris and Kai were the only one who could break the mirrors. She flew in as fast as she could, they needed immediate help. Attacking from the outside would be no good, the mirrors weakness was on the inside, which sucked. She got in front of the boys just as Haku threw his stenbon needles. Aris took out her fans, given to her by Temari, then with her wind jutsu she sent them flying forward Haku instead who dodged.
"Aris?" Kai said, confused.
"Who the hell are you?!" The ravenette said. The blonde just stared at her. Aris glanced at him for a second and was startled by how much he looked like her, almost like a mirror.
"Not important right now! But what I'm doing is saving you ass so be grateful!" She said a little errataited.
"So Aris, we meet again." Haku said.
"Indeed. Still top of the bingo book I see." Aris said smirking.
"You flatter me." Aris sighed heavily.
"Haku, stop! There's no need to fight! Stop this now!" Aris's voice held such authority that everyone even Haku flinched.
"She's right Haku, please stop this!" Kai shouted, she didn't want this either.
"You know I can't. The blonde one spoke of dreams, well my dream is to protect the one I care for no matter the cost."
"I know Haku, and for that I do respect you. But if we must fight again, I fear that this time neither of use will be able to show mercy." Aris said.
"Indeed." Haku threw the needles, but Aris reliazed he threw them at the blond boy who looked just like her, however the ravenette took the blows of the needles.
"Sasuke!" The blonde and Kai shouted. So that's his name, Aris thought. Sasuke fell to his knees.
"What the hell Sasuke!? Why did you do that!?" The blonde yelled.
"I don't know, I just moved." Sasuke said. Aris knew that feeling, to protect your comrades. Kai caught him as he fell back, tears flowing down her cheeks like no tomorrow. The blonde kneeled by Sasuke, as tears stung his eyes.
"He's still out there, my brother. Naruto, once I...hated you. Don't let your dream die. Kai, I'm sorry. I wish, I got the chance to....tell you." Sasuke let out one last breath before closing his eyes. Kai let out a wailing sob, her bijuu's voice mixed in. Naruto's fist tightened as his anger grew. Aris felt her anger grow as well.
"I hated you too Sasuke." Red chakra was surrounding Naruto, his anger was growing. She sensed the presence of the other Nine-tailed Fox! Kurama! My other half! That means this boy, oh no. Sheika said.
Sheika, what do you know?! Aris demanded. Sheika didn't answer. Aris looked down at Sasuke and let her anger get the better of her. That boy meant something to Kai and this boy Naruto. Aris could feel her own rage intertwine with Naruto's. Violet-red chakra surrounded Aris too, they both let their anger take control. Aris's went Fox slit Violet, while Naruto's went red Fox slit. Both their claws and canines grew. And their whiskers grew. Next thing they know, all the mirrors were destroyed and Haku was barely standing, his mask had broke revealing his face. Naruto looked at him surprised.
"Your that boy from the forest. That was you?" Naruto said. Aris stood by Naruto, a solemn look in her eyes.
"Weren't you gonna kill me? Why do you not strike, when you vowed to avenge your comrades death? Or was that vow just empty words." Haku said. Aris narrowed her eyes. He wants to die.
Naruto yelled then punched Haku, nocking him down. Haku spat out blood and stood back up.
"No, that won't due. Your still holding back. If that's all the strength you can put into it, then you'll never keep your vow. Perhaps he didn't mean as much as you pretend. To show mercy to the one you serve, to allow his enemies to live, when you could strike them down. This not compassion, it is a betrayal to your life's purpose. To what gives it meaning. Or life means nothing, it is only empty." Haku said.
"Yeah well speak for yourself." Naruto shot back. Aris glared at the ground.
"He was speaking for himself." She said.
"This day has shown that I'm no longer any use to Zabuza." Haku said.
"Zabuza, why that guy anyway? To devote your life to a rotten skunk who doesn't know the meaning of the word honor!? If he's really the one person that matters most to you, then that's the sorriest thing I've ever heard!" Naruto said. Aris felt tears go down her cheeks.
"If only you knew, Blondie." Aris said. Haku told Naruto of his past. What happened to his family, about his Kekki Genki. How he was hated and feared. How Zabuza gave him purpose, everything.
"My purpose for living was gone. What made me needed, was lost. I was unnecessary" Haku said. Naruto gasped. Just like me! Aris looked away.
"Why are you so determined to become Hokage? Because you want all eyes in your​ Village to look at you and recognize you as a great Ninja. You see it's​ only through the eyes of others do our lives have any meaning. When they ignore you as if your not there, it's as if you don't exist. When Zabuza found me, he gave me purpose a reason for living, and I became happy. It is the same with Aris. Many never even looked at her, or reconised her, and when they did it was to throw insults and hateful fear filled words at her." Haku said. Naruto looked at Aris. That explains it, why her eyes are just like mine!
"In order to live you need a purpose. To exist without reason, is the same as being dead." Aris said tears flowing down her face.
"She's right, and I have failed you Zabuza. I am like a weapon that is broken and has no further use." Haku said. He walked closer to Naruto who took a step back. Aris could still hear Zabuza and Kakashi, who had activated his Chidori, fighting. Quickly kit copy it! Both Nine tails spoke in her head. Aris activated her utmost secrecy jutsu, by placing her middle and pointer finger on her right temple, and copied what she needed to know for Chidori.(the jutsu she used will later be revealed) Then she turned her attention back to Naruto and Haku.
"Naruto kill me. Go on, strike! Kill me. Why do you hesitate?" Haku asked. Naruto shook his head and step back.
"That's the most ridiculous story, I've ever heard. I mean, he treats you like a slave. Your a human being! Not a weapon or a tool! How can you care about someone like that?" Naruto questioned. Aris looked at him with admiration.
"For that very reason. Does that seem so strange to you?" Haku said.
"Well yeah. A little." Naruto said.
"When he found me, I was without purpose or reason for living. Zabuza gave me both, but now my usefulness is over. The only thing that gave my life meaning, it's gone I'm a broken tool, a blunted weapon, of no use to anyone. Go on Naruto, do it. For both of our sakes, do it quickly." Haku said. Naruto glanced at Aris, who sighed. She walked up to Haku and hugged him.
"I'm sorry Haku, I wish there was another way." She said. Haku hugged her back.
"I know. Hold on to your dream and find your red panda again. And become the greatest Ninja you can be, Aris, The Kitsune of the Desert." Haku said. Aris nodded then stepped back.
"We're are a lot a like, Naruto. And you and Aris are as well. I'm sure you know what I mean. I'm only sorry that it must be your hand tainted with my unworthy blood." Haku said.
"Are you sure about this?" Aris asked.
"And your positive it's the only way?" Naruto asked.
"Yes." Haku said. Naruto closed his eyes.
"The weird thing is, if we had met in another time or place, I think that maybe we could have been friends." Naruto said. The his eyes snapped open and he rushed at Haku, a kunai in hand. This is for Sasuke, cuase he also had a dream! Naruto thought, making Aris narrow her eyes. But then Haku stopped Naruto, as if he just realized something. Oh no. Aris thought.
"Sorry Naruto, change of plans. I'm not ready to die quite yet" Haku said. Then after making a few one handed hand signs he dissappeared.
"Oh shit!" Aris said running towards Kakashi's and Zabuza's battle, Naruto hot on her heels​. Then they saw Kakashi, with his hand in Haku's chest, who was bleeding river flows of blood. Kakashi stared, as if remembering something traumatic from his past.
"Zabuza." Haku rasped out, before spitting out more blood. Aris shook as she remembered Yashamaru. No! Not again!
"No.........Haku." She whispered making Naruto look her way. His eyes widened seeing the tears stream down her cheeks.
"So my future is all used up huh? Think again." Zabuza said. Kakashi glared at him.
"The boy threw himself in front of my attack. He saved your worthless life at the cost if his own." Kakashi said. Zabuza looked at Kakashi blankly, then let out a bitter chuckle.
"Well done Haku." He said unsheathing his sword. Aris's eyes widened, Is he really gonna cut right threw Haku, as if he was nothing? Is he really willing to do that?!
"Haku!" Aris yelled. Then she was in front of Zabuza​, her kunai holding back his blade as Kakashi jumped away with Haku then laid him on the ground dead. Zabuza stared​ at Aris in shock.
"Aris? The Kitsune of the Desert?" He said. Aris narrowed her eyes.
"It's just Aris now, Zabuza. Being an idiot as usual, I hope you realize Gato is just gonna stab you in the back." She said. Then​ she kicked him in the face and flipped backwards away from him until she was beside Naruto again.
"You'll pay for that!" Naruto yelled. But Aris held up a hand after glancing at Kakashi.
"No, this is the Copy Cat's battle. But trust me, your not the only who would like to knock some sense into Zabuza." Then she turned slightly towards Naruto.
"Believe it." She said. He gasped, so did Sakura and Tazuna. She just, sounded a lot Naruto thought.
"Aris?" Tazuna said. Aris turned to him and couldn't help but give him a tearful grin.
"Got yourself into trouble, huh Grampa?" She said. Tazuna let his own tears fall.
"We missed you, so much Aris." He said. Aris's expression turned to one of shock. She was sure that after what happened when Kaiza died, they'd hate her and not care. But she was wrong. Then she grinned her full blast Uzumaki grin.
"You don't how much those words mean to me." Aris said.
"Hey! Naruto, so you and Sasuke are okay?" Pinky said. Aris's grin immediately dissappeared, and Naruto had a pained expression. Tazuna knew that look, the same look when she told them what happened after Kaiza died, of how she had slaughtered most of Gato's men.
"What's wrong? Where is he?" Pinky asked.
"Naruto, where's Kai?" Kakashi asked. Naruto looked away.
"Kai's alright, but that boy, Sasuke.... he's..." Aris couldn't finish. They all listened and heard Kai's cries over Sasuke. Pinky and Tazuna ran to Sasuke and Kai. Naruto and Aris couldn't even look at them. Kakashi glared at Zabuza, he dared to make his little girl cry? Now he was a dead man. Kai may be his adoptive daughter, but he still loved her. Kakashi rushed Zabuza who couldn't keep up. Kakashi cut the tendons in Zabuza's left arm, making it useless. Aris could hear Pinky's cries mixed with Kai's. She grit her teeth and growled. Zabuza was about to rush Kakashi when he found his feet couldn't move. He and Kakashi looked down to see white sand covering Zabuza's feet and ankles, holding him tightly to that spot. Kakashi's eyes widened as her eyes changed to a dangerous fox violet.
"So that why they call her The Kitsune of the Desert." Kakashi said. Zabuza grunted.
"You don't know the half of it." He said. The sand covered his whole right arm, and raised her right hand, wearing an expressionless mask. Then she closed her fist and the sand crush Zabuza's arm. And just as it did the sand swirled around Aris before it seemingly dissappeared. Naruto looked at her wide eyed. Woah, how did she do that?
"It's over Zabuza." Aris said. Then another voice joined the fray making Aris stiffen in anger, and narrow he eyes.
"Indeed it is. I must say​, I'm dissapointed Zabuza. Your supposed to be the Demon of the Mist, but now you look as demonic as a wet kitten. Oh and it's nice evening to see you again Aris, or should I say, Kitsune." Gato said as he and his thugs appeared. Aris growled as her features became more wild, her hair grew longer and rose like the Nine-tails, her whiskers grew darker, her claws and canines grew sharper, and her took on that dangerous violet fox again. Kakashi gasped, There it is again, the Nine tails chakra. But only Naruto holds the Nine-tailed Fox, how does this girl have it?
"Who are you?" Kakashi asked. Gato grinned sinisterly.
"She's a monster, that's who." He said. Aris growled louder.
"Shut up! That's not who I am! You don't know a damn thing about me! If anyone is the monster here, it's you! You bastard! We'll protect this Village with our own two arms! So if you think your gonna stop this bridge from being built, your dead wrong!" Aris yelled. Naruto stared at her in shock. Even though she said that, he could still see the pain in her eyes from being called that. Yet she hid it behind a smile and tough words, she never let it show.
"You know, you sounded a lot like Kaiza just now. You do remember what happened to him don't you?" Gato taunted. Aris bared her teeth as violet red chakra surrounded her.
"Watch it! You have no right to even say his name!" Aris growled. Zabuza glared at the little man.
"If your trying to earn yourself an early grave keep talking. Anyway, why are you here?" Zabuza said.
"Well there's been a change of plans. That's right, your too expensive. So I'm cutting ya loose." Gato said chuckling. Aris scoffed.
"Told you Zabuza." She said. Zabuza glared at Gato.
"So you did kid. Kakashi, our battle is over. I've no reason to go after Tazuna now. So he's safe from me." Zabuza said.
"Indeed." Kakashi said. Gato looked at Haku's corpse. Then walked to him.
"That reminds me, I've gotta repay this punk for breaking my wrist." Gato said. Then he kicked Haku over and over, Zabuza just stared, while both Naruto and Aris growled.
"To bad he's dead, and can't feel it." Gato laughed. Suddenly a small fist of sand punch him in the gut, back towards his thugs. Sand encircled Aris like a sharp tendril.
"Keep your filthy hands off of him!" Aris growled. Naruto glared at Zabuza.
"Are you just gonna let him do that? Didn't Haku mean anything to you!?" He yelled.
"Shut up, I used Haku just as Gato used me. That's how it is with Shinobi, better get used to it." Zabuza said.
"That's the biggest load of crap I've ever heard!" Naruto growled.
"Naruto! He's not our enemy!" Kakashi said.
"Quiet Sensei! As far as I'm concerned, he's enemy number one! Haku gave everything for you, he died for you! All for your dream, when you never let him have a dream of his own! How can you just stand there and pretend that he was nothing to you? He had feelings to, but you didn't care! And to treat him like this!? Man, that's....just wrong!" Naruto said tears fighting their way out of his eyes. Aris let out a choking sob, remembering how Gaara was treated like that, how she was treated like that.
"You talk to much. You words cut deep, deeper then any blade. Are you surprised that I actually have a heart? The one thing Shinobi can't escape is their own feelings, many have tried and failed. Well, I have anyway." Zabuza said. Then he removed his bandages, showing his face.
"Kakashi, our fight is over. Kid, give me your kunai." Zabuza said. Naruto threw him a kunai and Zabuza caught it with his teeth. Aris took out two of her own.
"Oh don't even think that your gonna have all the fun, Zabuza." She said, as the violet chakra surrounded her again. He nodded, then they both rushed forward. Aris danced threw the thugs cutting anything vital, a deadly dance of the Kitsune. Zabuza cut threw them like a demon no matter what they hit him with, it didn't take him down. Nothing even touched​ Aris, she went threw with out a scratch. She got threw the thugs by landing on two of them, and stabbing their throats. She got up and walked beside Zabuza, who then rushed forward at Gato.
"Your not taking me down with you!" But Gato spoke too soon. Zabuza stabbed his gut with the kunai.
"Your insane! You won't see that brat again!" Gato said. Zabuza dropped the kunai and grined his sharkish grin at Gato with a crazed look.
"Your right, I'm not going where Haku's going. Men like you and me get to go to another very special place. That's right, we're going to hell, Gato. I hear there's a lot of demons down there, I'm sure I'll fit right in. But you, Gato are in for a long painful eternity!" Zabuza said. But he backed​ up, confusing Gato.
"Oh that stab to the gut was for Haku, your already on death's door, there's just someone else who'd like to help you along." Zabuza said. They both turned to Aris, as she stalked towards Gato. Then she rushed forward and stabbed both her kunai in his gut and lifted him of the ground. He looked into her fox violet eyes, that seem to hold a genjutsu of hate, it made him fearful.
"This is for the Land of Waves, and for Kaiza!" Aris yelled. Then she tossed him up in the air then kicked him off the bridge. Her features returned to normal and she followed Zabuza threw the thugs, who backed away in fear. Zabuza collapsed at Kakashi's feet.
"Kakashi can you grant me one last request. Let me see Haku one last time​." Zabuza said. Kakashi nodded and helped Aris pull out the weapons lodged in his back. Then Kakashi put him next to Haku. Zabuza lightly touched his cold face.
"I'm sorry Haku. I only wish, I could go where your going." Zabuza said. Then it began to snowing.
"It's snowing." Aris said.
"Is this you Haku, are you weeping?" Zabuza said before closing his eyes.
"Kakashi-sensei, Haku said that where he's from, it snows all the time." Naruto said. His heart was as pure as snow. Sheika said.
"Yes, his soul was as pure as snow. Who knows Zabuza, maybe you will go where he's going." Kakashi said.
"Dad! Naruto! Sasuke's alive! He's okay!" Kai yelled. They looked back to see Sasuke up with his arm around Kai, and very much alive. Naruto grined.
"Now that's a relief." He said.
"Hey don't get to comfortable!" The thugs said gaining the Shinobi's attention.
"Now that Gato's dead, who's gonna pay us? Maybe we'll just loot this whole town!" They said. Aris narrowed her eyes and got in a Taijutsu stance.
"Uh, Kakashi-Sensei? You got anything up your sleeve?" Naruto asked.
"No, my chakra is too low." He said.
"Uh oh." Sasuke said.
"There's to many of them!" Sakura said.
"Have a little faith." Kai said. Just before the thugs could charge, an arrow landed in front of them. They at the other side of the bridge to see the whole village with Inari leading them. Aris grinned at him.
"Inari!" Both her and Naruto said. Inari looked at Aris surprised, then looked at the thugs with determination.
"If you want to destroy the village, then you've gotta go threw all of us!" He yelled. Aris grined a fox's grin.
"Let me help ya! Believe it! Shadow Clone Jutsu!" She said. Then a hundred Aris's appeared.
"Yeah! Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Naruto said, and a hundred of him appeared.
"Hm, I suppose I have enough Chakra to lend a helping hand. Shadow Clone Jutsu, Kakashi style!" Kakashi said, then hundred Kakashi's appeared.
"Alright! Time to kick some scum butt!" Aris and her clones yelled.
"Believe it!" said the Narutos
"Still wanna fight?" The Kakashi's said. The thugs immediately ran off. Everyone cheered. Inari knocked Aris to the ground in a big hug.
"I thought I'd never see you again!" He said. Aris hugged him tightly.
"It's okay Inari, I'm glad to see you too." She said. Aris looked up and Tazuna with Tsunami come running towards them.
"I thought we lost you forever!" Tsunami said. Tazuna laughed.
"You know we kept all your letters." He said. Aris grinned.
"You guys are like the family I never had." She said.
"But your gonna have to leave soon aren't ya?" Tazuna said.
"No don't leave again! Stay with us!" Inari pleaded. Aris gave him a soft smile.
"Inari, I'm a Leaf Ninja now. I have to go back. Plus, I still have a dream, a goal, to follow. But that doesn't mean I can't send letters or not come visit. Don't worry, this won't be that last time you see me. I promise." She said.

Time skip(cuase I'm lazy)
The bridge was named the Naruto bridge, and everyone said goodbye.
Haku and Zabuza were put to rest with honor. Then the questions began. Everyone shot questions left and right at Aris, thankfully Kakashi stepped in telling everyone to calm down.
"Okay then for last time, who are you?" Kakashi asked.
"My name is Aris Uzumaki." Everyone stared at her like she was insane, while Kai looked shock along with Naruto. She raised an eyebrow.
"What?" Pinkette laughed at her.
"Okay, seriously. What's your name?" She asked. Aris's eye twitched in annoyance.
"Sakura..." Kai said, very annoyed.
"I'm Aris Uzumaki, believe it! And I'm not lying!" Aris said seriously. The pinkette just stared at her.
"Now then what are your names? I don't really know much about you guys. Let alone your full names." Aris asked. The pinkette went first.
"I'm Sakura Haruno."
"Sasuke Uchiha"
"Kakashi Hakate."
"Okay, Kakashi you didn't need to say your name, I already knew yours. And I already know Kai. And what's your name?" She said to Naruto. She knew his first name now but little else.
"My name is Naruto Uzumaki! Believe it!" He said. Aris stared at him in shock, now she knew why they thought she wasn't telling her real name, Naruto is also an Uzumaki. That means they'
"Wait a minute, your last name is Uzumaki? Then......are" Aris asked. Naruto stared at her his gaze hopeful yet unsure. He didn't ever think that he had any family left, he thought he was all alone until he met Kai, who was his cousin. Apparently, that wasn't the case anymore. You and Kurama knew, didn't you Sheika. Aris thought. Yeah, sorry kit. But this is the reason I suggested you go to Konoha in the first place. Sheika said.
"Kakashi-sensei is this true?" Naruto asked. Kakashi looked between the two, seeing many similarities between them. Same blond hair, same blue eyes, whiskers check, stance check. Even Kai had to admit, they looked alike. Kai felt honestly that Aris said her last name was Uzumaki, she didn't know until now. But that also meant her and Naruto aren't the last Uzumakis.
"Well how old are you Aris?" Kakashi asked.
"Naruto is the same age. Hm?" Kakashi said. "Maybe the Hokage can straighten this out." After a few hours they arrived at Konoha's gates.
"Hey wait a minute, does that mean Aris is realated to Kai too!?" Sakura screeched. Kai had an irk mark. Did she really just figure that out?
"No dip sherlock! I mean both our last names are Uzumaki!" Kai said. Aris looked at Kai in shock.
"Wait, you never told me that Kai." Aris said. Kai looked down.
"Never got the chance last we met, always wondered why you resembled Naruto so much I guess now I know." Kai said. Aris nodded, they only told each other their first names. Aris then smirked, an idea popped into her head.
"Hey, Naruto." Aris said. Naruto looked at her curiously.
"I'll race ya!" She said. Naruto grined.
"Your on!" Then they both took off toward the Hokage's building. Team 7 took off after them. Same personality too. Kakashi thought. They rushed in startling the Hokage, he was about to greet them when he saw who they were.
"Oh boy." He said, with a sigh. Kai smirked, yep he knew.
"Old man! We need to talk! Who is Aris to me?! She said her last name was Uzumaki!" Naruto said, sounding desperate. Aris looked at the Hokage and by her expression he could tell she wanted to know too.
"She's your twin sister." All of team seven jaw dropped, even Kai looked surprised. Aris looked down. I'm not alone? I had a brother this whole time?
"All this time.....I had a brother? Why didn't you tell me?" Aris looked up showing her tear stained face. She couldn't hold it in anymore. Naruto was crying too, he had a sister and they never knew about each other. The Hokage sighed.
"I'm sorry. But you wanted to remain secret, so I didn't think it was the best time to tell you." He explained. Aris nodded slowly.
"Aris I'm sorry. If I'd known, I would've went looking for you." Naruto said. She hugged him. He couldn't stop the tears either.. Kai hugged both of them.
"Some family reunion huh?" Aris said. Naruto pulled back scratching the back of his head, and grined sheepishly. Kai chuckled.
"Well, it could have been worse!" Everyone started laughing.
"Believe it!" Naruto and Aris said at the same time.

Sorry if this is is too sappy, but I like it so deal with it! Sorry if you read this again and are confused I just added the new character, Kai. Her and Sasuke will get together by the way. Naruto and Aris are siblings and Kai is their cousin. I will right a story for Kai and Sasuke later.


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