Chapter One

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After the heavens were created the angels looked upon their Father. They asked Him what their purpose was and who they were.God looked at them and smiled and he ordered them to line up. So they did. As each approached him he named them and gave them a task. "Lucifer, the morningstar" "Samuel, the angel of death" "Michael, the commander of heaven's armies." And so on and so forth until the youngest angel stood before Him.
He looked at the small angel, a girl with long brown hair and brown, velvety eyes. "You shall be called Saigriel," He said. "Your task is to bring happiness to the next beings I create by offering them new ways to experience the world I have given them through taste. You will be the cook, and the spice maker of the angels." The girl smiled happily and rushed off to meet with her brothers and sisters. She admired Gabriel, with his sassy wit and quick tongue. Castiel she felt was more of a good friend : always happy yet always slightly confused in the most adorable way. Anna, well Anna could kick some assbutt when she wanted to. She was older than Gabriel and was a motherly figure to Saigriel.
God, now having satisfied the angels, went on to create the world and Man. When He asked the angels to bow, all but the first angel bowed. "How can I bow when I love you most, Father?" He looked to his brothers and sister and with begging eyes he asks all of them to stand with him. Saigriel looked at him with wide eyes. No one had disobeyed the Father before, and she was honestly frightened. Lucifer scanned the crowd and his eyes fell upon Saigriel. "You there. You will stand by me, won't you Saigriel?" he asked, moving towards the smallest angel. Saigriel quickly hid behind Anna and Castiel and she shook her head, eyes wide.
Lucifer looked at her disappointedly. "Of all of those here, little sister, I thought you could see what I can see, what everyone else is blind to!" He shook his head. "I was wrong. You are all blind!" He says loudly. Saigriel quivers.
Michael take a hand on Lucifer's shoulder and turns him away from the little angel and says to him. "Brother! How can you question our Father when He made you? When Hemade us all. The problem isn't us, the problem is you. Now do as has been commanded of you." He says challengingly. Behind him, Anna steps forward, protecting the little angel, seeing what will happen next. Lucifer, with an appalled look on his face, steps away from Michael and says. "You! You are my first brother and you won't stand with me?" He raises his voice and outstretches his arms, looking around. "Is there none among us, among any of you, who sees my vision and will stand with me?" No one answers. He looks down, saddened. "So be it." He whispers as he draws his sword and lunges towards the throne of God while screaming "I will make you see!"
Something at that moment snaps inside Saigriel and she throws herself at Lucifer, tackling him. "How DARE you disobey the loving Father whom has given you life!" Saigriel smacks a surprised Lucifer before he regains his senses and realizes it is the smallest and youngest angel. He laughs and easily picks Saigriel up and throws her. She hits a wall and slides to the floor unconscious. Lucifer jumps up and quickly strides over to the small angel, touching her forehead to wake her up. As she comes to and looks in his eyes, he leans down and whispers "Someday, you shall fall. And you will remember this." With that, he takes his angel blade and slashes down the length of her left arm, and she screams before she passes out from the pain. Michael takes a legion of angels and damns Lucifer to the pit below heaven. During this time Anna rushes to the broken angel, picks her up and flies her to the throne of God begging for the angel to be saved. In a supernova of holy fire, as the seals binding Lucifer were created, the fire burned through the little angel's skin, healing her but almost seeming to leak from the scar. Anna holds the little angel in her arms and says "The bravest among us would be the smallest." She looks up. "Thank you, Father." She whispers.
Once the skirmish is over, the angel awakens surrounded by Castiel, Anna, and the rest of the angels. Saigriel blinks her eyes open, barely remembering who she is and what happened. As soon as she remembers what Lucifer had done, her right hand flies to her arm, gently touching the scar. She looks around at everyone and realizes that because she had attacked Lucifer, the omega taking on the alpha, no one else had gotten hurt. And for that, she is grateful.
Micheal steps forward and says. " This is what angels should be: strong and loyal. We should follow in the footsteps of our smallest sister and praise her bravery." He then leans down and brotherly kisses the angel's forehead. Saigriel blushes and quietly thanks Michael. The angels cheer her for many days before God steps in and assigns the post every angel must stand, and stand there they will for a long long time. That is, until the Winchesters roll around.

Hey all! So this is a joint fic, based in the Supernatural world. The only characters we own are Saigriel and some other characters we will introduce later. All other characters belong to the CW and the amazing writers of Supernatural. Since this is a joint work, there will be random POV changes... yeah. First person is one of us, third is the other. Hope ya enjoy!

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