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The snow falls, lightly dusting the hood of Yuri Plisetsky's sweatshirt as he makes his way to the rink that he would be practicing at that evening. Walking Briskly Through the cold, he arrives at the rink it was late so no one would be there except for him and the thoughts that seem to haunt his mind whenever the steel blades of his skates hit the frozen surface of the ice. The Thoughts that play through his mind like a memory just out of reach or a movie that is vaguely familiar but you can't quite put your finger on the name. The thoughts of the ice were a different kind of thought then the thoughts that appear when eating breakfast or doing another routine activity.

The Thoughts of the ice were strange tranquil thoughts that cloud the mind and seemed to block out all other thoughts. The peace and the calm thoughts were often not alone but thoughts of anxiety and harsh truths invaded the serene environment of a skater's brain. If you try to think of an everyday thought on the ice, that simple thought becomes overloaded with emotion so complex that there are no correct words to describe them. Raw emotion is all that is felt on the ice. For when your feet are gliding and the music envelops you, it is hard not to fall in love with the simplicity, of just gliding or the hard work needed to turn a simple piece into a display of one's emotions. One's thoughts of love on the ice can change the way they view their skating and other's.

With this knowledge, you can imagine how Yuri's thoughts must have been after the Grand Prix Finals. After winning, an unusual thought was on his mind. Unusual because it Didn't have to do with the ice in particular but a person from the ice. All this emotion flowing out of his body through the movements of his skates. With one person on his mind. One person that wasn't able to escape Yuri's thoughts no matter how hard he tried. all of this emotion was flowing through these thoughts causing a feeling unknown to Yuri. but he yearned for more of it.


if You people want more than a prologue tell me pls cause if you want there to be a story off of this tell me and it will happen i won't continue if this doesn't really get people going for a story cause its all i got

Edit: a/n I made a decision I'm gonna update it probably sometime next week

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