Chapter One

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The moon shone brightly as the cool breeze swept through the cemetery, causing the tree’s to sway casting eerie shadows across the tombstones. ‘The Greatest Gift in Life is Love. Elizabeth Grace Turner. Loving Mother and Friend. 12.01.66 – 05.12.05’ was engraved on the headstone I was sat in front of.

“How many times do I have to tell you not to go walking off into the night into a cemetery alone” A slightly amused but mostly angry voice said from behind me. “Hello to you too Dean” I replied quietly not once taking my eyes off my mother’s headstone.

“We need to talk about dad” Dean said and I felt him come to stand beside me. “Well he’s not here” I said casting one last sad look at the words engraved on my mother’s headstone. “Hasn’t been in a while” I said finally standing and looking at Dean for the first time since he had arrived.

“So he just left you here, alone?” Dean asked trying to sound emotionless but not exactly succeeding; his anger always had a way at seeping through. A didn’t respond, just shrugged my shoulders which caused dean to clench his jaw. “We both know he never wanted this Dean” I said as I started walking towards the exit.

Dean’s dad; my step-dad had married my mother when I was six. My dad had left us just after my first birthday. Ran away with one of my mother’s best friends – bastard. Dean was sixteen at the time, Sam was ten.

John had never loved my mother as much as he had loved his first wife. But my mother had loved him with all her heart. She wanted somebody to love her and John wanted somewhere Dean and Sam could call home. I suppose to introduce some semblance of normalcy into their lives.

It didn’t really last long, John was always gone and mostly Dean and Sam went with him, though Sam tried to leave as little as possible. Sam was more into the idea of a family and a safe home. Dean was a dubitable son, a carefully crafted soldier. Everything his father raised him to be, but never good enough.

Elizabeth; my mother, knew nothing of the supernatural world. Guess John loved her enough to realise that introducing something so dark would destroy her happy demeanour. I on the other hand knew everything.

Having witnessed firsthand John and Dean destroying a ghost at my school sort of blew the cover on keeping it a secret from me. While never going on trips with them I was trained self-defence and given old books full of information to read. Mostly trained on safety precautions and things like that.

In the end john had left with Dean and Sam for good by the time I was thirteen. Sam and Dean kept in touch though; calling, letters and gifts on my birthday or Christmas even though they didn’t really believe or celebrate it themselves.

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